Iron Maiden - Listen With Nicko! Part III Lyrics

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Artist: Iron Maiden
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Song Title: Listen With Nicko! Part III
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: Hey Nicko, wake up the tape's rolling...

Ah! ok now, well! What you doing letting me go to sleep now? Yeah, ah! Did you say the
tape's rolling? Well look here, I mustn't....I can't go to sleep in the studio....time costs
money don't it, you know what I mean. It's what she said last night... Hahahaha! Yes,
she cleaned me out, she did, I tell ya. Don't tell the wife in you know
proverbial shit creek without a paddle, or should I say without the old pussy. Ooh ooh!
You know, no nookie for a year, watch out. Might not even have any nookie ever, cause
she'll probably chop my head off. Hmmm, yeah, that's a bit... that's a thought...gotta
watch out.

Anyway! Lucky you, welcome to "not alot of people knew that, or know that, or even
still don't know it -- notes number three". Ding! Love it! Purgatory and Genghis Khan are
in your proud possession. And you have probably just had an assortment of audible
boosting out of those speakers right into your lug holes. And you've also got Killers,
Innocent Exile, Remember Tomorrow and Running Free... Maiden Japan. Released 14th of
September 1981, that little lot was... We'll get to that in a minute.

Anyway, Purgatory, eh, Genghis Khan...well the boys, didn't they...they had the only
non-top-50 single ever? Where was I? Hmm. Anyway! Well that's enough of that. Uuuh,
released the 15th of June, Purgatory and Genghis Khan were, or was, hmm. And it's just
been released again, hasn't it? Cause you are the proud owner of it, and you're listening
to me again... oh no, they say...oh no...ten sick toads to bail me out... oh no, it's
Nicko...Ohhh! Well look here, it's a little bit of trivia for you on this one. I know that not
alot of people know this, cause I even didn't know this, and I'll admit this....I did not
know this, all right. I'll say it again, I did not know this. Purgatory was originally called
Floating, hmm, and it was part of Iron Maiden's live show between '76 and '77, would you
believe! It was originally played at a very much slower tempo than what is being played
at on you know past excursions, so to speak. Well, Steve...he likes to play a little bit
faster, he does, see...likes it oooh, and I like that too. And he decided.. he said to the
band, "look, I like uh... you know... I like this song, you like it to don't ya?" They said
"sure"...well they had to didn't they? And uh, Hahaha! So, anyway they rearranged it and
beefed it up for the Killers album, and c'est la vie, or as it is, c'est quoi, or say what,
there it is. Purgatory. As it happens, at the right tempo...boom! Love it! Cause know, there's certain songs that are written... we'll get onto that later on,
there's a little story I'll tell you about that too.

But uh, here you go, Genghis Khan... that was sort of a filling song, if you like. It was
written on short notice... that's why it's a short song! Hahahah! Stupid idiot. Maiden
discovered they were short of a song on the Killers album. So, they sat down and sort of
went "here, let's think of something." And it was given a working title of Jenkin's Barn...
god knows why, Genghis Khan...Jenkin's Barn...I suppose it rhymes, doesn't it? Anyway, I
dunno, soppy in mysterious ways, this music business, don't it? Anyway, the
sleeve for the Purgatory single was originally the Number Of The Beast album art work.
And the band decided it was too good to keep for the... you know... too good to keep!
It was was too good so they wanted to keep it... (slaps himself) ...ooh, wake
up! They wanted to keep it for the next album...cor, that hurt. Dave, what'd you do that
for, man? Anyway... they wanted to keep it for the next album, cause it fitted perfectly
with the old NOB. Well, now look, that's rephrase that...NOB being an abbreviation for
Number Of The Beast. Now we'll get into that later on right so. Number Of The Beast,
yes. And, it felt... you know... Steve had this song with him and.... "yeah... that's what
we'll do, we'll keep this art work for the album." So Derek did a new Eddie and he did the
Eddie-devil sleeve for the single which you all know, which you're standing looking at, or
sitting looking at, or lying on the floor or on top of your missus or she's on top of you,
looking at it... I don't know what you're doing but but you're having it in your hand ain't
ya? No, the sleeve, silly! The sleeve! Right! Now as I said, it didn't make the top... it
didn't get over 50... it got chart position 52. As I said, where was I? It'd been up number
one and all...ahhm, nevermind. Ah, hahaha, Jesus.

Anyway! Maiden Japan! What can you say about this? This actually was recorded on the
band's very first Japanese tour. And uh, the actual Japanese version of this record was
titled Heavy Metal Army and there was no equivalent words in the Japanese language for
Maiden Japan. I would have thought they just should have said it "Maiden Japan" and
called it that! Well nevertheless. This was the last Maiden release to feature Paul
Di'Anno, as we know. What a great singer, he was with the band for quite a few years,
many, you know, quite a number of years, a few years there. But, Paul went on to
different pastures, green and blue and white and yellow, whatever they were. Um, but
any... oh, by the way on the Japanese sleeve it says "pray roud". Hahaha, Jeez! Pray
roud! It don't take a degree in English science to work that one out, does it? Eh? Does
it? What do you mean what does it mean? PRAY ROUD! Right, that's enough of that.
Anyway, by the way, Rod took all the photographs for this band... uh, for this single, the
single you know, all the live shots uuh...for the Maiden Japan. And he went down, he
went down the old duh duty free racket market, you know like "ooh aah, you give me
money, ooh, think of me Rod-san, you can have this!" So anyway, he bought a Cannon
camera on the cheap, as usual. And actually this is definitely where Ross got his
inspiration from... I mean what can I say, Rod actually astounded the photo world with
his prowess behind the lens. What a great...what a c... what a cracker! What a cracker.
Anyway, by the way, one little point... this got to to number 43 on the charts, this
Maiden Japan, released 14th of September 1981, and again if I said it already, to f'king

Now. Oh yes, this is a joke for ya. If the answer to the question is "my cock robin",
what's the question? "What's that... in my ass Batman!" Hahahahah

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