Jack Bruce - The food Lyrics

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Artist: Jack Bruce
Song Title: The food
Visits: 733
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The food is on the table but there's something really wrong
When you came back from that phone call you were just a little too long
It wasn't really your sister
Your sister can't bring out those tears
How long has this been going on has it been days or moinths or years
How long since I've been alone?
How long since I've been sharing you? How long?

That weekend you spent at the seashore you wouldn't take the kids
Now that I'm thinking more clearly you kept the truth well hid
You've been really good at this
I havent't had a clue
How many time have I been alone since I was in bed with you?

How long since I've been alone?
How long since I've been sharing you? How long ........
Since you were mine
You were mine
You were.

Were you in love with both of us or was I a passenger all the way through?
Are you crying now because you're gonna leave me or because you found out
He's left you
I'm taking the kids
I'm going to wreck this place
This is the last time we'll see each other
I'm gone

How long since I've been alone?
How long since I've been sharing you? How long ........
Since you were mine
You were mine
You were.

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Other Jack Bruce song Lyrics
  • As You Said
    "Let's go down to where it's clean
    To see what time it might have been
    The tides have carries of the beach
    As you said..."
  • Can You Follow?
    "Hey can you follow,
    Now that the trace is fainter
    In the sand
    Try turning your face to the wall..."
  • Childsong
    "She shakes her head and says
    That her last word is spoken
    Tumbling down
    Something she found..."
  • Close Enough for Love
    "Close enough
    Close enough for love
    Will the pieces flow together
    Close enough..."
  • Folk Song
    "How will I find you O my love
    In the darkness of day
    I will look in glass forests
    Where electric fish play..."
  • Make Love
    "See a flame in a town full of strangers
    See a plane falling out of the blue
    Every day when I'm chasing the dangers
    I want to make love to you..."
  • Morning Story
    "Running, jumping, pushing it's way
    Morning nighttime blends into day
    Can't find curtains to shut it away
    We were alone in the hills of the night..."
  • Never Tell Your Mother Shes Out Of Tune
    "When I hear that big black whistle they blow
    I feel inside it's time for me to be going
    Fortunately baby I'd already gone before
    When they say I'm worth ten pieces of coal..."

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