Jack Greene - You Are My Treasure Lyrics

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Artist: Jack Greene
Song Title: You Are My Treasure
Visits: 799
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You are my treasure and my darling I possess

The world's greater treasure the treasure of happiness

Your smiles are my pearls and your ruby lips are beyond compare

Your eyes are my diamonds and my gold is the gold in your hair

Earth has its treasure of fabulous wealth untold

And who can measure the treasure the oceans hold

But whether it be underneath the sea or the sky above

There is no treasure like the treasure of your love

There was a time when I thought I could find happiness in silver and gold

And I longed for fame and wordly acclaim

And I've hungered for these things filled my very soul

But then you came along and now I know I was wrong

For in your eyes I can see the greatest treasure in all the world

The treasure of your love for me

Earth has its treasure...

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