Jacks Of All Trades - Child Missing Lyrics
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Jacks Of All Trades Singer Lyrics
Child Missing Song Lyrics
Jacks Of All Trades
Superior (2002)
Song Title:
Child Missing
Print Version
You keep me running through the alley of the lonely
I see your face and I wish that I only
Could've made you understand
I got no ace, got no kings in this hand
Nowadays I've been trapped in a cage
All my eagerness stolen away
Cause you swore that you'd never apart
But now that you're gone I've been torn from the heart
So hear me
I can't believe what you are doing to me
I can't believe that you are leaving me
I watch how you're now taking off for good
It breaks my head I hate to act like I should
People try, people fight, people stay strong
But I can't cause I can't seem to shake of
The picture of you lying in my arms
The tears in my eyes when I knew that you're gone
Oh yes I know, now you're in a better place
But it's me, it seems like I've lost a race
Cause you swore that you'd never apart
But now that you're gone I've been torn from the heart
So hear me
Words can't express the way I feel
It's hard to believe this is how it ends
Still I wake up with a picture of you
And it's still so hard to accept it
If there's a light at the end of the tunnel
Well, I just can't see it
Child Missing Lyrics
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Other Jacks Of All Trades song Lyrics
"?It's all good, I don't need your God right now
I kinda believe in the words you say
But I don't want to follow your ways?
Somehow, it all felt so good..."
"Follow these thoughts through the maze of life
Amazed by the little things that catch my eye
Not knowing what to do, where to go, what to be
But I need you there to rest at ease..."
No Doubt
"Smile little baby cuz the joke is on you
The way you left just looked kinda cute
I wanted to help you I offered you my hand
But you denied it got lost in the sand..."
Traffic Jam
"I spend my mornings in my car on the freeway
Driving down like a bullet on that highway
Making tricks with the freaks on my backseat
And the streets full of fire and gasoline..."
Round 12
"On the backstage everyone's stearing at me
As I'm getting ready to meat my destiny
I'm up against the master
My breath is getting faster..."
Point Of No Return
The sound becomes underground
And no matter how hard you try
You can`t shout..."
"Figured I was an easy one , no
Thought you would have it your way , no
Offered me green and I'd bow down , no
This is how we gonna get at you , go..."
Curtain Call
"Here I go in that flow
Everything is allowed
It's the last show, sold out
Every seat's taken..."
...Show All
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Jacks Of All Trades Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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