Jackyl - Speak Of The Devil Lyrics
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Jackyl Singer Lyrics
Speak Of The Devil Song Lyrics
Cut The Crap (2000)
Song Title:
Speak Of The Devil
Print Version
As the devil beats his wife tonight
All hell is breaking loose
Across a blackened sky
And it makes me wonder what she done
It makes me wonder why
Did she forget to make his bed?
Did she burn his dinner bread (why)?
Did she mix his drink to strong?
What did she do so God damn wrong (why)?
Speak of the devil, hey mister devil speak to me
Speak of the devil, hey mister devil speak to me
Speak of the devil, there's a devil inside of me
Out of the frying pan into the fire
Out of me this devil jumps again
As the little one looks on to see his daddy
Growing horns here in this devil's den
Thunder rolls across the sky
Lightning strikes then goodbye (again)
I never meant to be the bearer of bad news
Out of the mouths of babes comes the truth I lose
Speak of the devil, look what I have done
Look what I have done (X3)
Speak Of The Devil Lyrics
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Other Jackyl song Lyrics
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"Whatcha gonna do when the sun don't shine
And the moon don't come up right on time
Whatcha gonna do when the storm won't break
And the whip won't crack..."
Open Up
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'Cause it lifts the world off me
Black light shining on Jimmy's face
It'll never let him be free..."
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"These latter days are growing strange
Crazy ways and constant change
And the lines are down that we must cross
Across the board we share the loss..."
Lets Dont Go There
"Whatcha gonna do when the sun don't shine
And the moon don't come up right on time
Whatcha gonna do when the storm won't break
And the whip don't crack..."
Cut The Crap
"I love the sound of silence
The beautiful sound of silence
'Cause it gives me something else to break
I'm loud God damn it..."
Twice As Ugly
"When you vultures finish picking skin off my face
Replace your hand that's on my back
Stab your verdict in its place
I can't fight the feeling..."
God Strike Me Dead
"As I sit here grinning like a mule eating briars,
It occurs to me that I lost something that was part of me
And it fills this empty house with a feeling
A feeling of even greater emptiness..."
Thanks For The Grammy
"I'm never speechless
Know what I want to say
About what it took for me to get here
Where I am today..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Cut The Crap" album, click "
Jackyl Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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