Jadakiss - Family Affair (Remix) Lyrics
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Family Affair (Remix) Song Lyrics
DJ Keyz and Jadakiss - Al Qaeda Jada (2007)
Song Title:
Family Affair (Remix)
Rap: Hip-Hop
Print Version
[Verse 1-Jadakiss]
Yeah, uh, what, uh, yeah, uh
hey yo you can hit the dance floor now, you ain't gotta wait
we can take this outside, you ain't gotta hate
this here is a family affair, the family is here
everybody put your hands in the air
we don't need no haten or rachen
somebody better calm duke down cause the eight'll lace him
while your waitin get it perculatin
love to smoke previlly purple hazen
sharp as a buck fifty
doing my dance, and honey mad cause she can't keep up with me
but still banging em, sogging em, still robbing em
and the whole world knows Kiss is a problem
but I ain't come to fight, I came to have fun tonight
and hit more then one tonight
get crunk from begenning to end
Mary J and Jada, Y, O, we did it again, ugh
[Mary J Blige]
come on everybody get on up
cause you know we gots to get it crunk
Mary J is in the spot tonight
and I'm gonna make you feel alright
come on baby just party with me
let loose and set your body free
leave your situations at the door
so when you step inside jump on the floor
[Mary J Blige-Chorus]
[Mary J Blige]
gonna gonna be about a matter of time
before you get loose and start to lose your mind
cop you a drink, go ahead and rock your ice
cause were celebratin no more drama in our life
get the track pumpin, everybody is jumpin
go ahead twist your back and get your body bumpin
I thought I told you to leave your situations at the door
so grab somebody and get your ass on the dance floor
Yall can't deny it, uh, yeah, this is cracklatin
Yeah it's Mary and the kid
bouncing in the six four until we crack the things
after a few shots I'm faded
family affair, yall don't where the spot is located if your not related
and they got to hate it
ha switch from a ring to chapar to a rolex
I watch them grin it
this year there is no more drama
mainly because now my saving account show more commas
usally it's mello rappers
in the club pulling models and pulling bottles out them yellow wrappers
staying (?) to those hammers
and be standing on the couch like my moms ain't teach me no manners
ma we can leave the club and hit the beach in Guyana
don't come back to our features is tanner
and thiers acscents on each of our grammers
your with the young F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S family
[Chorus Til End]
Family Affair (Remix) Lyrics
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uh, uh-huh, uh
Yo yo yo yo aiyyo
Never will it stop..."
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