Jade - Jade Mr Doright Lyrics

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Artist: Jade
Song Title: Jade Mr Doright
Visits: 729
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Mr. DoRight by Jade
What time is it?
Man, I can't believe he done stood me up again
I don't deserve this, what kind of fool does he think I am?
Time after time and today, but what for?
Huh, you know what I think it's time I've looked for Mr. DoRight!

(Verse 1)
Worked all day long I need a man who's back is real strong
Someone to fulfill my intellect and sexual desires
Now please don't get me wrong, I don't even come on strong
It's been awhile since I've been satisfied
And these feelings I can no longer hide

I used to be in love, but it was ohh so long ago
My mind and body's craving, for a real man to give me some love
But now that you're here with me, there's a smile up on my face
'Cause loving you is so damn easy, and you sure 'nuff driving me crazy
Can't someone stop this rain from falling on my face
I'm looking for Mr. (DoRight 2x) someone who can do it all night
When will you learn playing with fire really burns
I'm searching for Mr. (DoRight 2x) someone who can lead me through the night

(Verse 2)
I sit here waiting, you just won't call
My mind is so confused, but you don't seem to care at all
Now Lord knows I've tried to keep our love alive
So I sing this song for you, 'cause it seems like the right thing to do

(Repeat Chorus)

(Ad-lib and fade to end)
You used to love me, I need a real man, I need a strong man
Do Right(2x)
I need a Mr. DoRight, you don't hold me like you used to
My mind and body's craving, ohh yeah for Mr. (DoRight 2x)
Lord knows I've tried, Mr. DoRight
Don't keep me waiting, anticipating ohhhh
I worked all week long, I need a Mr., I need a man who's back is real strong
Fulfill me, take care of my sexual desires baby

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    what 'bout mah ching ching
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    what about my ching ching ching..."
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