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Hidden In My Eyes Song Lyrics
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Feel so alone, lost inside, burning my heart on frozen love Cautiously I beg for a glance, a sign I'm alive within your eyes Moonlight glows upon her skin only to touch would be a sin Lips red as wine, to taste is to die, I beg for this sweet death tonight She'll never know the man inside when I am gone will she realize She'll never know the man inside just take a look, he's hidden in my eyes Trapped inside a world of broken dreams Trapped inside a world of shattered hopes Release the fears you would keep We can soar far beyond the sun Two lives apart, together as one what of the vows we made that night Return the days when love was new I never forgot, though far and few So much to give so much inside, take a good look and realize Give me your pain, give me your trust, unlock the man waiting inside
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