Jaimeson - Take Control (Feat Ck And Angel Blu) Lyrics
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Take Control (Feat Ck And Angel Blu) Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Take Control (Feat Ck And Angel Blu)
Print Version
(Angel Blu)
(Oh come on!)
Like the way that we're bumpin tell you somethin feelin good inside
Its the way I was movin
No illustration when I caught your eye
Allow me to mention my intention thats in store for you
Just turn out the light
Get ready tonight
I'll show you what to do
You make me feel good, so good
Real, real good
You make me feel god, so good
Real, real good
Take control let it flow
Ay ay ay ay
Hit me low, nice an' slow
Ay ay ay ay
Make it beat, till I'm weak
Say ay ay ay ay
Let your body speak to me
Ay ay ay ay
Can I make a confession
There's a question that I have to ask
Can we take it slowly, get to know me or just make it...
So open the door, come in for more, if you can take the heat
Yeah that one's for me, so jus' let me be your private fantasy
You make me feel good, so good,
Real, real good,
You make me feel good, so good,
Real, real good,
Take control let it flow
Ay ay ay ay
Hit me low, nice an' slow
Ay ay ay ay
Make it beat, till I'm weak,
Say Ay ay ay ay
Let your body speak to me
Ay ay ay ay
You make me feel good, so good,
Real, real good,
You make me feel good, so good,
Real, real good,
Take control let it flow
Ay ay ay ay
Hit me low, nice an' slow
Ay ay ay ay
Make it beat, till I'm weak,
Say ay ay ay ay
Let your body speak to me
Ay ay ay ay
(Break it down)
Switch, J-A-I-M-E-S-O-N
I don't stop I just keep goin
You didn't know it was me who was makin them hits
Selecta, true, complete, now this
Listen up close as I increase the bowls and I'm raisin your pulses
The maximum, lay it on ya real simple
Keep it nice and clear
From my pen to the mic I'm straight to here
That's how we do
Selecta be true
Take control let it flow
Ay ay ay ay
Hit me low, nice an' slow
Ay ay ay ay
Make it beat, till I'm weak,
Say ay ay ay ay
Let your body speak to me
Ay ay ay ay
Take control let it flow
Ay ay ay ay
Hit me low, nice an' slow
Ay ay ay ay
Make it beat, till I'm weak,
Say ay ay ay ay
Let your body speak to me
Ay ay ay ay
Take Control (Feat Ck And Angel Blu) Lyrics
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Other Jaimeson song Lyrics
Anything At All
"There you go again,
Looking like somethings on you mind but you wont let me know,
Always be your friend,
But lately you dont seem quite yourself and hide behind a show,..."
"Expensive promises I made,
All the chances that I take
Never learned to appreciate our time,
Lie awake all through the night,..."
I Got This Feeling
"i dint do this
was only a matter of time
give into foolish
theres somebody else on your mind..."
Say Anything
"There you go again
Looking like somethings on your mind
but you wont let me know
always be your friend..."
Take Control Ft Angel Blu And Ck
"Like the way that we're bumpin tell you somethin feelin good inside
Its the way I was movin
No illusion when I caught your eye
Allow me to mention my intention that's in store for you,..."
Take control
"Not the way that we're bumpin' tell ya
somethin feelin good inside
its the way i was movin
no illusion when i caught ya eye..."
Back once again still ten outa ten,
still making em' em still jameson,
as i enter the 3D base inventor,..."
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