Jakalope - Badream Lyrics

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Artist: Jakalope
Jakalope Author
Album: It Dreams (2004)
Jakalope - It Dreams Album
Song Title: Badream
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 770
Print Version

It's time for the crying to stop
'Cause I love you
It's time for you to grow up
I want you
And I need you

There's a hole in your soul
Where your heart used to be
All the doors are locked
And you can't find the key
There's fish in the sky
And there's birds in the sea
'Cause you want me
And you need me

You're drowning from all of the tears in the sky
It's a bad dream
You can't even close your eyes
It's a bad dream
A bad dream

It's time for the crime in the sky
'Cause I'm hungry
It's time for you to let it die
You're lonely
All alone

Tigers in their tanks struggle to get free
Skinny little dogs barking up the wrong tree
Snakes in the grass learn their ABCs
And you need me
And you want me

You're drowning from all of the tears in the sky
It's a bad dream
You can't even close your eyes
It's a bad dream
A bad dream

Screaming from a voice inside
Running but you cannot find
A place
To hide
From the bad dream

There's a hole in your soul
Where your heart used to be
All the doors are locked
And you can't find the key
There's fish in the sky
And there's birds in the sea
And you hate me
But you need me

You're drowning from all of the tears in the sky
It's a bad dream
You can't even close your eyes
It's a bad dream
A bad dream

Screaming from the voice inside
Trying to find a place
To hide
From the bad dream

The bad, bad
Bad, bad
Bad, bad

Badream Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Jakalope song Lyrics
  • Feel It
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    With your stare
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    And I..."
  • Creeper
    "Come to me, baby
    Follow my lead
    I've a confession to make
    It's always been this way..."
  • Pretty Life
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    You make me feel colder by turning away
    Would you stop for a second, I'm asking you a question about
    You know why I am..."
  • Go Away
    "Why do we cry
    When there?s no more goodbyes
    Don?t wanna get left behind
    Don?t wanna be the voice inside..."
  • Tell Me Why
    "Plastic & concrete, baby
    these are the facts of life
    i 'm a nightmare child
    stuck on my own knife..."
  • Dont Cry
    "This is anything but fair
    Don't say that it's not
    'Cause you get what you want
    And I, well I don't want this situation..."
  • Screecher
    "I am so tired
    This is insane
    Just go away now
    I don't feel the same..."
  • Come On
    "Do you want a piece of my time
    Or a piece of my mind?
    Bear another chip on my shoulder
    My blanket's on you, don?t get cold..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "It Dreams" album, click "Jakalope Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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