Jam Pearl - Stupid Mop Lyrics

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Artist: Jam Pearl
Jam Pearl Author
Song Title: Stupid Mop
Visits: 617
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Don't you want people to love you?
My spanking that's the only thing I want so much...
Spanking that's the only thing I want so much...
That's the only thing I want so much...
Don't you want people to love you?
My spanking that's the only thing I want so much...
That's the only thing I want so much...
Why is that better than being hugged?
Why is that better than being hugged?
Because you get closer to the person...
Closer to the person...
Why is that better than being hugged?
Because you get closer to the person...
Closer to the person...
Just like a person having sex feels cared for...
We wanna be loved, so we have sex together...
And they feel loved about that...
And this is the way it makes me feel...loved...
I want it, I dream about it, I think about it, I want it...
Just like a girl wants sex with a boy, you know?
It's the way I'll always be probably...
My last one was born in the system...
See, they're stupid, very stupid, those people over there...
They're stupid...
These people are so below mentality, honest to G-d, really...
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me... (2x)
This mentality, honest to G-d, really...
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me...
Honest to G-d, really...
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me...
Bug me...bug me...he got the nerve to bug me...
Everything seems so eight ball... (2x)
And I, I don't know if that's my imagination, but, umm...
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me...
And I don't know if that's my imagination, but, umm...
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me... (2x)
Think they got me...
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me...hmm...
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me...
...Know if that's my imagination, but, umm...
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me...
She prides herself on her cleaning habits... (2x)
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me...
She prides herself on her cleaning habits... (2x)
It's a lovely stupid mop, it is...
There's something really screwy about no streaking...
Is it any old dumb mop? It streaks...
Come on mop, no streaking mop...
I don't mind mop the floor, my mop streaks, I don't like it...
It's not me, it's the mop...
Come, I bought some new mops...
Go away you stupid, dumb old sponge mop...
I don't believe it...now the floor looks beautiful... (2x)
I don't believe it...old sponge mop...
Dumb old sponge mop... (2x)
Old sponge mop...
Dumb old sponge mop...
You're right, this mop's stupid...
Dumb old sponge mop...
I don't believe it...now the floor looks beautiful...
That's why they call me mophandlemama...
Now the floor looks beautiful...
That's why they call me mophandlemama... (3x)
In two weeks, before she could see herself not dressed...
The twenty-third of May...you know she disturbed no one today...
The manager told her to completely forget...
If you ever go to bed, I'll kill you...
Do I tell the whole world that I'm mentally ill?
Go to the papers...yeah, why not?
Drum roll...
I want to show them that I can walk on my own without hands of
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself...
Keep it to myself...keep it to myself...
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
Very much so...
Think I deserve to be loved...
Keep it to myself...keep it to myself...
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
...To be loved, don't you?
But I keep it to myself...
Keep it to myself...keep it to myself...
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself...
Keep it to myself...keep it to myself...
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
Very much so...
Do you ever think that you would actually, really kill yourself?
Well, if I have thought about it real, uhh, real deep...
Yes, I believe I would...
I have thought about it real, uhh, real deep...
Yes, I believe I would...
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself...
Keep it to myself...keep it to myself...
...that I can walk without hands of theirs... }
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself... } (2x)
Keep it to myself...keep it to myself... }
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you? }
Very much so...
Do you ever think that you actually would kill yourself?
Well, if I have thought about it real, uhh, real deep...
Yes, I believe I would

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  • Jeremy
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  • Deep
    "On the edge windowsill
    Ponders his maker
    Ponders his will
    To the street below..."
  • Alive
    "Son, she said, have I got a little story for you
    What you thought was your daddy was nothin' but a...
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    Your real daddy was dyin', sorry you didn't see him, but I'm glad we..."
  • Black
    Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay.
    Were laid spread out before,
    Me as her body once did..."
  • State Of Love And Trust
    State of love and trust as I busted down the pretext
    Sin still plays and preaches, but to have an empty court, uh huh
    And the signs are passin', grip the wheel, can't read it..."

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