Jamai - When You Walk In The Room - Ft. Dewi Lyrics
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When You Walk In The Room - Ft. Dewi Song Lyrics
Jamai (2003)
Song Title:
When You Walk In The Room - Ft. Dewi
Print Version
Baby it's a dream come true
Walking right along side of you
Wish I could tell you how much I care
But I only have the nerve to stare
I can feel a new expression on my face
I can feel a glowing sensation taking place
I can hear the guitars playing lovely tunes
Everytime that you walk in the room
I close my eyes for a second and pretend
It's me you want
Meanwhile I try and act so nonchalant
I see a summer night with a magic moon
Everytime that you walk in the room
Baby it's a dream come true
Walking right along side of you
Wish I could tell you how much I care
But I only have the nerve to stare
I can hear that something pounding in my brain
And everytime that someone speaks your name
Music sound and I hear loving you
Everytime that you
Everytime that you
Walk in the room
Everytime that you
Walk in the room
When You Walk In The Room - Ft. Dewi Lyrics
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Other Jamai song Lyrics
I luv the sun
"I luv the sun
Luv the sun
Luv the sun
Monday starts so dreary..."
Step right up
"Who am I
To ask from you
To leave it all behind
Who am I..."
Have I told you lately (that I love you)
"Have I told you lately that I love you Have I told you there's no one above you Fill my heart with gladness Take away my sadness Ease my troubles, that's what you do Oh the morning sun in all its glory Greets the day with hope and comfort too And you fill my life with laughter You can make it better Ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine And it's yours and it's mine Like the sun at the end of the day We should give thanks and pray to the One
Have I told you lately that I love you Have I told you there's no one above you Fill my heart with gladness Take away my sadness Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love that's divine And it's yours and it's mine And it shines like the sun At the end of the day we will give thanks And pray to the One..."
Ill Be The One
"I'll be the one
I'll be the one
I promise I will say those words you love to hear
Here I am, alone again..."
Wildest Dreams
"You, go around in circles in my mind
wondering were yoyu are toninght
I have a dream your in my life
that your lying here it's allright..."
Think about you
"Think about you
You know you took my breath away
the very first time you looked my way
I like to think I am the kind of guy..."
Wango Tango
"The night was young and so was I
when she took me for a ride
and softly whispered in my ear
hush now baby, don't you fear..."
Tell me why
"Tell me why
You were my friend
you were my one and only
I was in love with you..."
...Show All
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