James - Pleased to Meet You Lyrics

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Artist: James
James Author
Song Title: Pleased to Meet You
Visits: 648
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Scared to be alone
Frightened of the dark
Everything's too much
For a boy out of touch with his feelings

I must be to blame
I must be at fault
I believe I'm never good enough
To shine a light that lingers

I have witnessed starbursts in your coal
black eyes
I am what I try to deny
I have seen the serpent coiling set to strike
And love is the usual disguise

Pleased to meet you
Where you from
And what's your name?

Never came alive
Never cut the cord
Nothing is too much for a boy out of touch
With his feelings

Worshipping the moonshine
Skinning up the grapevine
I don't have a plan where I'm going
I just follow my fingers

I will be the burning man
To grace these times
I am what I try to deny
I reflect the same eyes looking back at me
And love is the only reply

Pleased to meet you
Where you from and what's your name

We're more than enough
Dead Ringers

Pleased to meet you
Where you from
And what's your name ?
What's your name ?

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    But are you disciplined enough to be free?..."
  • Seven
    "Blow me away
    Was that love you declared
    Only a word love can mean anything
    Understand the world we're livin in..."

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