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The Payback (part 1) Song Lyrics
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The Payback
James Brown
hey! Gotta gotta pay back!! (The big payback)
Revenge!! I'm mad (the big payback)
Got to get back! Need some get back!! Pay Back! (the big payback)
That's it!! Payback!!! Revenge!!!
I'm mad!!
Get down with my girlfriend, That ain't right!!
Hollarin' cussin', you wanna fight
Payback is a thing you gotta see
Brother do any damn thing to me
Sold me out, for chicken change (yes you did!!)
Told me that they, they had it all arranged
You had me down, and thats a fact
Now you punk, You gotta get ready
For the big payback!! (the big payback!!)
That's where I am, the big payback (the big payback!!)
I can do wheelin', I can do dealin' (yes you can!!)
But I don't do no damn squealin'
I can dig rappin', I'm ready!! I can dig scrappin'
But I can't dig that backstabbin' (Oh No!!)
The brother get ready!! Thats a fact!!
Get ready you Mother, for the big payback (The big Payback!!)
Let me hit 'em hit'em!! Hey Hey!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Took my money, you got my honey
Don't want me to see what you doing to me
I got to get back I gotta deal with you!! (4xs) Hey let me tell ya!!
Get down with my woman, that ain't right!
You hollarin' and cussin', you wanna fight!!
Don't do me no darn favor,
I don't know karate, but I know KA-RAZor!!!! (yes we do!!)
Get ready thats a fact,
Get ready you Mother for the big payback (the big payback!)
Hey!! I'm a man! I'm a man!
I'm a son of a man, but don't they tell ya then pappa can
Get ready for the big payback (the big payback!!) Hit 'em again!!
Get ready I need it, I need a hit again!!
Say it once (3xs) Hit 'emagain!!(the big payback!!)
Sold me out for chump change
Said my woman had it all arranged
Tryin' to make a deal, she wants to squeal
But I had my boys on her heals
Saw me comin', told a lie Went down like you wanted to cry
I don't care what she does, she'll be doin' just like she was
Take those kids and raise them up,
Somebody teach em to be rightous tough
Take her, take that woman, it's one place she found
Just run that mother out of town!!
Got to get up!! Got to get up, get out!! (2xs)
I'm mad!! I want revenge, I want revenge (the big payback!!) I want
revenge (3xs) (the big payback!!) Give me those hits!! I want some hits!!
I need those hits, hit me!!
From: Grandd36@aol.com
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