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Take A Message Song Lyrics
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Everytime I?m relaxing, the telephone rings
Man, it?s really getting to me, I really hate that thing.
Take a message baby, just tell ?em I?m not home
Yeah, those telephone people,
They just don?t leave you alone.
It might be the neighbor, the insurance man
It could be the boss man,girl, I just don?t give a damn.
Take a message baby, Tell ?em all that I?m up to date
I just don?t feel much like talking,
Nobody listens anyway ? makes me so mad!
Everytime me and my baby, is getting? in the groove
The telephone rings and it blows my attitude
Take a message baby, just tell ?em I?m not here
You can tell ?em all the same thing
Yeah, when they call back again.
That telephone keeps ringing, If I get one more call
Gonna take my 10-pound hammer, knock it right off the wall.
Take a message baby, just tell ?em I?m not home
Yeah, the nerve of some people,
They just don?t leave you alone.
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