James Darren - They Should Have Given You The Oscar Lyrics

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Artist: James Darren
Song Title: They Should Have Given You The Oscar
Visits: 622
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They Should Have Given You the Oscar

- Artist: James Darren as sung on "The Best Of James Darren"
-Rhino Records R2 71664
-did NOT chart on Billboard (so why does this transcriber recall it? We're talking
-REALLY obscure here!!)
-Words and Music by Gerry Goffin and Carole King

I'd like to contest the awards given out by the academy
'cause I know of a great performance that the judges didn't see

They should have given you the oscar
For the way you went and broke my heart
There's no name that you could mention
Who'd have done quite as much with a part

And just for the way you said you loved me
And the way you made each lie sound sincere
Oh, they should have given you the oscar
For the best performance of the year

If the critics could have seen
Your acting on the screen
I'm sure they would have cried as much as I
You knew your lines so well
How was I supposed to tell
That all along you loved another guy?

They should have given you the oscar
For the scene where you promised to be true
Every word was so convincing
Any audience would fall in love with you

And just for the way you said you loved me
And the way you made each lie sound sincere
Oh, they should have given you the oscar
For the best performance of the year

Yeah they should have given you the oscar
For the best performance of the year
Yeah they should have given you the oscar
For the best performance of the year

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

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