James Rick - Hard to Get (Revisited) Lyrics

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Artist: James Rick
Song Title: Hard to Get (Revisited)
Visits: 656
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Rick James and Richie Rich

[Verse One: Rick James]

Ooooh yeah
Girl, you're cute (cute), you're sweet (sweet)
You're a such a sexy treat, child
You are the girl that turns me on, yeah
And when you're hot (hot), you're hot (hot)
I love the stuff you got, yeah
You are the kinky girl I write about in every song


Doom doo dah, doo dah, do-doo-dah, do-doo-doo-dah
Doo doo bump em, baby
Doom doo dah, don't be so hard to get, yeah
Doom doo dah, doo dah, do-doo-dah, do-doo-doo-dah
Doo doo bump em, baby
Doom doo dah, don't be so hard to get, yeah
Doom doo dah, doo dah, do-doo-dah, do-doo-doo-dah
Doo doo bump em, baby
Doom doo dah, cos I will get you yet

[Chorus: Rick James]

Baby, what's your phone number?
Don't be so hard to get, baby, baby, bay-by

[Verse Two: Richie Rich]

A cat like me, love to stack, man
Though my thoughts be to page a black girl
Hands on boots if it's after 2
Fall thru, watch what I do to you
Miss the rest, known as the Rich
Heavy in the game but swift, hold a bitch
Time to take the party to another lev'
Tonight boss ball with some real celebs
We drink old XO, safe sex so
the VIP need it all for a G
Spin my chips on somethin devine
like *?Heer 2's?* and *?fuse?*, but what in the news
We all pimpin, fall apart, no starts
E'rybody pimpin but mackin is an art
like Picasso, my philoso-phy
be's the mo' hoes, mo' cheese


[Bridge: Rick James]

You keep on runnin, baby
Why you runnin, baby?
Stop your runnin, yeah
You keep on runnin, baby
Why you runnin, baby?
Don't be so hard to get
Girl, don't be hard to get
Girl, don't be hard to get

[Verse Three: Richie Rich]

Poppin my collar, met her at the bar
Shootin her ship, tryin to put her in the car
No bites but, shit, a nigga got bait
I push to win it, most niggas ride 8's
V-Dub's, Mary Jane like my cousin
Keep that bitch close by for the high
The real niggas often do real things
like floss on tracks with Quik and Rick James

[Chorus/Outro: Rick James, (Richie Rich)]

Baby, what's your phone number?
(Ha ha ha, And it's on, understand me?)
Don't be so hard to get, baby, baby, bay-by
(Check this out what's it like?)
Baby, what's your phone number?
(Baby, excuse me, eh hello? You dropped somethin)
Don't be so hard to get
(Let me pick up this conversation, understand me?)
Baby, what's your name?
(Get into some real mack shit)
What's your phone number? Baby, baby, bay-by
(You already know, Quik, Rick James, come out the house)
Baby, what's your name?
(It's was freaky, ha ha ha, we gots ta put it down right now)
What's your phone number? Yeah
(In effect, y'know?)
Don't be so hard to get
(We out there playin hard to get, y'know we gonna be bumpin)
Oooh girl, don't be so hard to get
(Wanna fool with a real player? Understand me?)
Don't be so hard to get
(Let's take a look at it)
Don't be SO hard to get, oh, yeah
(When you ask such a big question then you're lookin for some big
Baby, I know you're sweet, you know I'm sick
Just be my super freak
I said baby, don't be so tight
We know you're freakin just like, DJ Quik, hehehah
Baby, don't be so hard, don't be so loose
Don't be so tight, don't be so black
Don't be so red, don't be so white
Don't be so tight, blow daddy

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    You wouldn't make love to me
    You went fast asleep
    You wouldn't even talk to me..."
  • Happy
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    Lady, I can understand your problems and your worries
    When you love a man like me
    And if you dont mind I will try to say I love you in this song now..."

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