Jamie Foxx - Your Love Lyrics
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Jamie Foxx Singer Lyrics
Your Love Song Lyrics
Jamie Foxx
Song Title:
Your Love
Print Version
baby, you've got me going out of my mind
the thought of you has got me high, I'm so excited
I've always said I'd, I'd never fall in love
but I think I've had a change of mind
'cause you've got me (in love)
I'm so exposed (truth is)
and heaven knows (that's why)
that if I could, I'll make the loving, girl
(if you) girl, just believe
(that I'm all) I'm all you need
without you, no, you can't deny
without your love, I can't survive
your love, oh girl, I can't explain
it cools me like the morning rain
(girl you know your loving feels good)
I'm sure my heart won't be the same because I'm in love
I'll tell the world, that I'm in love again
even if I'm here,
for a million years
I'll never find true love, at least that's what I told
they say, it disappears, baby, after a while
I disagree because you make me smile
girl, they just can't see your type of love is gold
(you know) girl, can't you see
(truth is) down on my knees
(that's why) and if I could, I'll make the loving, girl
(if you) girl, can't you see
(that I'm all) I'm all you need
don't you know, I can't deny
without your love, I can't survive
your love, oh girl, I can't explain
(girl, you know your loving feels good)
'cause you're deeper than the arex band
I'm sure (I'm positive) because I'm in love
I'll tell the world, that I'm in love again
cauz your love, oh girl, I can't pretend
(girl, you know I can't pretend)
I'm feeling for your tender kiss
I'm sure I've never felt a love like this
until I tell the world, that we're in love again
oh oh baby, come on, come on
your love, oh girl, I can't explain
it cools me like the morning rain
I'm sure my heart won't be the same because I'm in love
I'll tell the world, that I'm in love again
cauz your love, oh girl, I can't explain
'cause you're deeper than the arex band
I'm sure (I'm positive) because I'm in love
I'll tell the world, that I'm in love again
cauz your love, oh girl, I can't pretend
I'm feeling for your tender kiss
I'm sure I'll never find a love like this
we can tell the whole world, that we're in love again
your love, oh girl, I can't explain
it cools me like the morning rain
I'm sure my heart won't be the same because I'm in love
I'll tell the world, that I'm in love again
cauz your love, oh girl, I can't explain
'cause you're deeper than the arex band
I'm sure my heart won't be the same because I'm in love
I'll tell the world, that I'm in love again
Your Love Lyrics
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on gone grab between your legs
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