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Last one out (Please close the door) Song Lyrics
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Just a man with things to say, trying to find a way to say them
Just the memories of the day, another time I was mistaken
Sitting staring at the snow, trying to learn what I don?t know
And whether anyone will hear me
Just another empty page, another sign of growing age
Another hole in my security
Take this cup away from me, get these people off their knees
Find the man they think I shpuld be
There?s no pretending anymore, last one out please close the door
I?m alive when I feel lonely
Time to stand before the crowd, time to feed the hungry people
Taking all that I allow, the junkes and the needle
Cos I have nothing more to give, just looking for a way to live
With my ever-present demons
Don?t believe the things I say, I?ll only change them anyway
Always moving with the seasons
Take this cup away from me, get these people off their knees
Find the man they think I shpuld be
There?s no pretending anymore, last one out please close the door
I?m alive when I feel lonely
Leave me a little piece of me
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