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Anthem For The Broken Hearted Song Lyrics
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When he said "I hope you're sleeping better"
Knowing that I never sleep at all
Did you reply with that smile?
I know this can't, be what you had in mind
I guess you'll try it all again next fall
You'll feel better on the day that he dies
So when your pulling on your trendy clothes
And humming ever stupid note to this song,
its on your mix tape, that were singing out so loud
Yeah we're singing now
na na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na na...
When she said "you gotta make your plans
to start making plans alone",
well maybe we will and maybe we won't
and you know you're gonna paint the town red with all of your blood she stole
On the night of the murder, when she left you alone
So when she's pulling on her trendy clothes
and humming every stupid note, to this song
its on her mix tape, that we're singing out so loud
na na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na na....
And heres to all the boys you'll kiss
And all the scars left on there lips
And heres to all the boys you'll date
The ones we'll make sure that we hate (repeat til end)
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na.....
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