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Nobody Knows You When Youre Down And Out Song Lyrics
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Well, once I lived the life of a millionaire, spending my money, no, I didn't care
Takin' my friend John out for a mighty good time
Buyin' high-priced liquor, champagne and wine
Then I began to fall so low, didn't have a friend, nor no place to go
If I get my hands on a dollar again
I'm goin' to hold on to it until the eagle grins
Soon as I get back up on my feet again, everybody wants to be my long-lost friend
It's might strange, without a doubt
Nobody wants you when you're down and out
Lord, soon as I get up on my feet again, everybody wants to be my long-lost friend
It's mighty strange, without a doubt
Nobody wants you when you're down and out
That's what I mean, when you're down and out
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Other JANIS JOPLIN song Lyrics | Bye, Bye Baby "Bye, bye-bye, baby, bye-bye. I gotta be seeing you around When I change my living standard and I move uptown, Bye-bye, baby, bye-bye...." | Easy Rider "Hey mama, mama, come a look at sister, She's a-standing on the levee trying to do that twist, But easy rider don't you deny my name, Oh no, oh no...." | Intruder "You come around here Trying to make your demand. You've got a need, darling, I've seen it grow and expand...." | Light Is Faster Than Sound "Light is faster than sound My head to the ground Mind going round Faster than sound...." | Call On Me "Well, baby, when times are bad, Now call on me, darling, and I'll come to you. When you're in trouble and feel so sad, Well, call on me, darling, come on call on me, and I'll help you...." | Women Is Losers "Women is losers Women is losers, oh Say honey women is losers. Well, I know you must try, Lord,..." | Blindman "Well, the blind man, he stood on the way and cried Blind man, he stood on the way and cried Blind man stood on the way and cried, Crying, "Oh, show me the way, show me the way,..." | Down On Me "Down on me, down on me, Looks like everybody in this whole round world They're down on me. Love in this world is so hard to find..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Typewriter Tape" album, click "JANIS JOPLIN Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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