Jasmine Trias - Midnight Train To Georgia Lyrics
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Jasmine Trias Singer Lyrics
Midnight Train To Georgia Song Lyrics
Jasmine Trias
Song Title:
Midnight Train To Georgia
Print Version
LA proved too much for the man
He couldnt make it, so he's leaving a life he's come to know
He said he's going back to find what's left of his world
The world he left behind not so long ago
He's leaving on that midnight train to Georgia
Said he's going back to find a simpler place and time
I'll be with him on that midnight train to Georgia
I'd rather live in his world, than live without him in mine
He kept dreaming that some day he would be a star
But he sure found out the hard way
That dreams don't always come true
So he pawned all his hopes and even sold his old car
For a one way ticket back to the life he once knew
Oh yes he did, he said he would
He's leaving on that midnight train to Georgia
Said he's going back to find a simpler place and time
I'm gonna be with him on that midnight train to Georgia
I'd rather live in his world, than live without him in mine
World, world, it's his and her's alone
He's leaving on the midnight train to Georgia
Said he's going back to find a simpler place and time
I've got to be with him on that midnight train to Georgia
I'd rather live in his world, than live without him in mine
My love, gonna board the midnight train to Georgia (x3)
My world, his world, our world, mine and his alone (x2)
I've got to go (x5)
My world, his world, my man, his girl
Midnight Train To Georgia Lyrics
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Other Jasmine Trias song Lyrics
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"When I was young,
I never needed anyone,
And making love was just for fun,
Those days are gone...."
Almost Like Being In Love
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What a rare mood im in
Why its almost like being in love
There's a smile on my face..."
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Frozen here on the ladder of my life..."
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I went away, just when you, you need me so.
Open up your eyes, then you'll realize,
Here I stand with my, everlasting love,..."
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Across a sea of a thousand smiles
Touching me tonight
I'm feeling the real thing..."
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"Here we are
Face to face
We forget, time and place
Hold me now..."
thats how we'll always be
just you and me..."
Its Raining Men
Humiditys Rising
barometers getting low
According to all sources..."
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