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Monsta Pimp Song Lyrics
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(Mr. P) This is what I know about pimpin' (Chorse by ????) They mabye tall, They mabye short, But one thing is, Pimps hunt for sport, No one can say, You just a punk, Cause of one thing, They just a frunt (Mr.P) This story started out in California, And yes they call me Mista P-I-M-P-Z-I-L-A, So I'm too young for cris, But I'm too old for applejuice, I pull stuff from my hat, Like the original Dr. Seuss, I'm pimp by blood, so when the doctor spanked me I spanked the nurse back An' when she woke up she thanked me Not every pimp is perfect Take 50 for example Just because "he on a limp" Don't mean he ain't a pimp (Chorse x2) (Mr.P) Let us have a moment of silence for the people who died for the last 3 years Silence Yeah Thank ya
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