Jason Mccoy - Bury My Heart Lyrics

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Artist: Jason Mccoy
Song Title: Bury My Heart
Visits: 667
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I'm gonna dig me a hole
I'm gonna bury my heart
I'll let it rest in pieces
Out in my back yard
I'll lay a wreath of roses on a blue tombstone
I'm gonna dig me a hole lord
I'm gonna bury my heart

Well it just stopped beating
One winter night
The very moment that she said goodbye
And one more lost love is too much to bare
Well this time it's broken beyond repair

I'm gonna dig me a hole
I'm gonna bury my heart
I'll let it rest in pieces
Out in my back yard
I'll lay a wreath of roses on a blue tombstone
I'm gonna dig me a hole lord
I'm gonna bury my heart

(Instrumental Break)

In the stone cold ground
I'm gonna chip away
A 6 feet down more
To it's resting place
All you memories come shake my hand
Of the sole survivor of this lonely man

I'm gonna dig me a hole
I'm gonna bury my heart
I'll let it rest in pieces
Out in my back yard
Lay a wreath of roses on a blue tombstone
I'm gonna dig me a hole lord
I'm gonna bury my heart

I'm gonna dig me a hole
Gonna bury my heart
I'll let it rest in pieces
Out in my back yard
I'll lay a wreath of roses on a blue tombstone
I'm gonna dig me a hole lord
I'm Gonna bury my heart

Gonna dig me a hole lord
I'm gonna bury my heart

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  • I Feel A Sin Comin On
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    If I don't loosen up these chains
    I'm gonna lose my mind..."
  • I Lie
    "my friends all ask how I'm doing
    since you took your sweet love away
    and I know that they're just showing they care
    but what did they expect me to say?..."
  • Old Chunck Of Coal
    "Well I?m just an old chunk of coal
    But I?m gonna be a diamond someday
    I?m gonna grow and glow till I?m so blue pure perfect
    I?m gonna put a smile on everybody?s face..."
  • Still
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    I saw you today.
    You smiled, you looked happy with him,
    so I tried to smile...."

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