Jason Mraz - Sleep All Day Lyrics

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Artist: Jason Mraz
Jason Mraz Author
Album: Waiting For My Rocket To Come (2002)
Jason Mraz - Waiting For My Rocket To Come Album
Song Title: Sleep All Day
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 638
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by Jason Mraz

His after moan though cries oh no
He's building up a shine but he take it slow
And he knows it time to make a change here And time to get away
And he knows it's time for all the wrong reasons And time to end the pain
But he sleep all, sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over again
Why don't we?

She said what would your mother think and how would your father react oh lord
Would he take it all back what they've done
No way he said take it, take it and don't break it with your own two hands
That was my old man and he said
if all is grounded you should go make a mountain out of it

oh what a lovely day to have a slice of humble pie
recalling of the while we used to drive and drive here and there
going nowhere but for us, nowhere but for the two of us
and we knew it was time to take a chance here
and time to compromise our lives for awhile
and it was time for all the wrong reasons
but time is often on my side and I give it to you tonight
and we sleep all, sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over again

as time goes by we get a little bit tired waking and baked another Marlboro mile wide
it's sending the boys on the run in the time in hot summer sun
to swim beneath or over outside as they're reading between the lines
then they remember the part in the hallmark card where they read about the dreams
and reaching for the stars to hold on a little bit closer to
and they knew it was time, time to take a chance here
time to compromise our little lives for just a little while
and they knew it was time for all the wrong reasons
as time is often on my side and I give it to you, oh boy
and we sleep all, sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over again

She said what would your mother think and how would your father react oh lord
Would he take it all back what they've done
No way he said take it, take it and don't break it with your own two hands
That was my old man and he said
if all is grounded you should go make a mountain out of it

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  • Common Pleasure
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  • Curbside Prophet
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  • Sleeping To Dream
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Waiting For My Rocket To Come" album, click "Jason Mraz Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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