JAVIER - October Sky Lyrics

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Artist: JAVIER
Song Title: October Sky
Visits: 679
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And your eyes once so kind, now they never meet mine;
And just stares like a cold winter's night.
When you kissed me good-bye, I could taste ev'ry lie.
And I don't have to ask myself why.

It's as clear as the October sky.

And your words once so sweet, now they fall incomplete;
And they're no longer speaking to me.
When will I shed my grief for a moments relief,
And pretend these aren't tears in my eyes.

I'm as blue as the October sky.

Now I feel like such a fool, 'cause my love's been over-ruled.
So, I'll have to plead my case to the moon.What more can I do?

When your touch has gone cold like the first hint of snow,
And your emotions seem frozen inside.

They're as cold as the October sky.

(Musical interlude)

Now I feel like such a fool, 'cause my love's been over-ruled.
So, I'll have to plead my case to the moon. Oh, what can I do?
When you kissed me good-bye, I could taste ev'ry lie.
There's a hole in my heart a thousand miles wide.

It's as deep as the October sky.

(Musical interlude)

I'm so blue...

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Other JAVIER song Lyrics
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    When it seems like just yesterday we made a promise of love that I'm about to break
    How can I walk away after all these years and all I can give you is a song for your tears..."
  • Beautiful U R
    "hey girl do you have time
    Can we sneak off somewhere and have a talk
    Cause I've got things to get off my chest
    Something's you may not have heard yet, Oh Baby..."
  • Biggest Mistake
    "What happened to the way we were
    We be fighting and yelling things
    And we can't seem to get it back together
    Pride gets the best of me..."
  • Cant Have My Heart
    "What were you thinking when you left me outside in the cold
    I waited for you
    Give me a reason why you never answered your phone
    just tell me the truth..."
  • Crazy
    "Hmmmmmmmm......hey yea hey...hoooooowhooo....baby,
    Kind of like a summer's breeze,
    you do exactly as you please,
    drop a brother to his knees just for fun...."
  • Hey Little Sister
    "Hey there excuse me miss
    im sorry that i stopped you on the street like this
    but you look like someone that i once knew
    don't you reconize me..."
  • If I Never Get To Heaven
    "What does your love mean to me
    its something i can't answer easily
    just like the air that i breathe
    you fill me up inside, you give me all that i need..."
  • In Your Hands
    "In Your Hands
    My life begins and ends
    All that I am, I surrender to you
    I?ve never felt so weak and yet so strong..."

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