Jawbreaker - Million Lyrics

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Artist: Jawbreaker
Song Title: Million
Visits: 600
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Would that you could touch this angel in a clutch of snakes
Oh pretty, pretty, I'm aflame.
So excited, so unslept
Somewhat littered, so unswept
You have to sleep before you wake.
I am spilled and poured
I am peeled and cored
I am hanging from the floor.
Flicker like a freak through a sleepless week
In a black cell of forever.

There's a point to this
A point I think I often miss
Oh clever, clever, where's your heart?
You can turn the phrase until it reads a million ways
It makes no sense, but it's as good as it is sad.
I am sad, elated
I am segregated
There's this stitching and it's itching.
All my friends are dead,
Asleep in distant beds
At least these enemies stay close.
Take me to the pretty ones
I want to be a pretty one
Sign me to a nice girl, so she can ruin me..eternally.

They offered me a million bucks
All I want's a steady f---.
Oh steady, steady, where are you?
Channel surf a sea of static, see the prize but you can't have it
There's something thankless in a wish fulfilled.

I am thrilled and bored
I'm unskilled, adored
All of both and none of one.
I would kill for more
I haven't killed before
I could set this heart on stun.

Take me to the pretty ones
I want to be original
Sign me to a nice girl
So I can sing her something meaningful.

In my perfect world I'd be signed to a nice girl
It would cost one million kisses.

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    Run for cover there's a big on e coming...."
  • Bad Scene
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    What sick things I saw.
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  • Basilica
    "Sunken eyed best friend of mine. Why do you sit so
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    I'll kneel beside you, watch you for hours. There's
    an angel on you leaning down to kiss your cheek...."
  • Better Half
    "I see him coming
    We hold our rock we are ready
    The thing we'll do to him
    They aren't fit for anyone..."
  • Big
    "In this ocean I'm a bag of tea.
    I make some clouds but they're minor league.
    Hack at the base of the largest tree.
    Only to find that it doesn't bleed...."
  • Bivouac
    "I dug my fingers in the earth.
    I drew you pictures of my pain.
    They were so pretty.
    They were so vain...."

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