Jay Z/Rell F - In My Lifetime (Remix) Lyrics
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Jay Z/Rell F Singer Lyrics
In My Lifetime (Remix) Song Lyrics
Jay Z/Rell F
Song Title:
In My Lifetime (Remix)
Print Version
[Jay Z]
Uh huh uh ji ji
Roc a Fella y'all
Jigga Rell nine eight edition
This is Roc a Fella for life this is Roc a Fella for life
This is Roc a Fella for life this is Roc a Fella for life
I play my parts with the honies hard
It's gotten even worse now that the money's washed
Like a letter y'all the nine eight find me straight
Good health can't complain about my financial state
What else? I guess tomorrow knows
I run through chicks like borrowed clothes
I'm the type of nigga your father oppose, never test Jay
You follow the code, ese, on my best day
I'm like God with a blow, bless me
Baby, why are you chasing that man?
Knowing that he can't, love you like I can
I guess you'd rather chase, instead of feeling
what's real inside, I got to thinking
And I hope you realize (all this love for free)
(Better come and get it soon) Hurry hurryahahyyy
(Please, don't take too long) I want your love babe
(Before it's all gone, I just wanna put you on)
The apple of my eye, sweet cherry surprise
Let me up inside, of your body tonight
There's so much that we can do
and I'll do you, know how much I wanna
taste your lovin, so good (all this love for free)
(Better come and get it soon) Hurry baby
(Please, don't take too long) Cause I want your love
(Before it's all gone, I just wanna put you on)
(Hurry hurry hurry, hurry baby cause I can't wait)
(Hurry hurry hurry, cause later on might be too late)
Gotta hurry (Hurry hurry hurry, tell me whatcha gonna do)
(Hurry hurry hurry, there's too many dimes for me to choose)
Baby you got me (got me goin)
Goin round in circles (tell me why)
In My Lifetime (Remix) Lyrics
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Other Jay Z/Rell F song Lyrics
"It's the thought of a ride that make my eyes wide I'm caught up
I'm trying to make all of my dreams materialize so I sorta
say my goodbyes to the straight and narrow
I found a new route you bout to see my life change..."
Love For Free
"Ha ha ha ha Roc a Fella y'all
Futuristic shit beeotch
Uh what the fuck? How we do. How we do. Uh ha
Triple platnum nigga with the solid gold fade..."
Your Love
"I decided one day to write you a letter and tell you how much I care
And about how it feels when you walk beside me and the joy of being a pair
I remember the day we got together I remember it like today
I was struck by lightning that's why I'm writing a letter to Lulu-Mae..."
Youre Only A Customer
"Christion.. listen
Uhh Jigga
How easy is that?
Lame mad cause the game that I spat at his chick..."
Dead Presidents Part 1
"Rock on
Roc A Fella y'all
Presidents to represent me
I'm out for Dead Presidents to represent me..."
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