Kahn - Hollow Stone Lyrics

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Artist: Kahn
Song Title: Hollow Stone
Visits: 615
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Hollow Stone,
Early morning you slip out the window
And glide through the dew.
All alone,
Back a thousand years

And you know there is no answer,
They can give you, they can give you,
For the words are not there for them to choose.

After all,
You are only a molecule drifting
An atom afloat.
As you fall,
Into space from your lonely shell of fear

You raise your hands, and gaze in wonder
At a world you have seen somewhere before.

Only you can see the men of wisdom,
Moving slowly on together.
Sun shines through the stone but once a year.
Ceremony now will start anew.

And so you sit beneath the linden tree,
Staring ghostly at the altar,
And all the problems that perplex you so,
Dissolve and vanish deep into the water.

No use asking what you are,
Or what you'll be a millisecond after
As you plunge back into laughter now,
Dancing and calling out your name.

And still you sit beneath the linden tree.
Staring ghostly at the altar,
And all the problems that perplex you so,
Dissolve and vanish deep into the water.

Hollow Stone Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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