Kalibur - These Lyrics

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Artist: Kalibur
Song Title: These
Visits: 695
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DieNasty Records

{verse 1}
These muthafuccaz takin sanctity in fakin me//
and fuckin me without thankin me//
the bank better think how to make like a tank//
cuz I'm off that dank and drank and thinkin gankin//
(how u stayin?) leavin bodies stinkin, stankin//
(is u playin?) no I ain't mayn//
I came in the game to maintain//
sendin more bang-bangs than gang-bangs at the mainframe//
(u lame brained, plain janes fake pain, cayn't hang, take aim)//
the opposite of healthy and wealthy, so heaven help me//
since a whelp, I was dealt dirty//
I was 12 but I felt 30//
so I fell to the floor daily cuz the way that it felt hurt me//
however the weed helped me certainly, wakin up early, rollin up thirty//
and I...take two and pass it//
take two to the torso, even more so if u plastic//
even in morse code, I blast it//
(beepity beep beep) means muthaFUCK u faggots!//

Burn um and turn um inside out, then ride out//
i find where they hide out, I'm pullin the nine out//
like it was a rhyme bout they comin out my mouth//
and pullin your spine out, and u bout to find out//
(I keep it realer than down south//
believe it if it come out my mouth)//
Burn um and turn um inside out, then ride out//
i find where they hide out, I'm pullin the nine out//
like it was a rhyme bout, they comin out my mouth//
and pullin your spine out, and u bout to find out//
(This or that, these or those//
dissin that n you'll see the flo'//
lay my position flat, and even Those know that)//

{verse 2}
Step with a rhyme that defies time//
cuz I'm high when I devise mine//
design of a sublime mind//
so I'm cryin when I sign lines, dyin to define flyin//
u came at a fine time, reign when a mind blind//
blame it on my kind, they wanna sign shiyne//
pain when they find I'm sane with a kind mind//
playin a fine line, blazin the pipeline//
day in the night-time//
midnight at noon, ignite the boom to light the room//
the night consumes the life in you, and left the knife in you//
what makes this twice as true is eyelids hidin lifeless irises//
sirens, violence and viruses remind a bitch what time this is//

Burn um and turn um inside out, then ride out//
i find where they hide out, I'm pullin the nine out//
like it was a rhyme bout they comin out my mouth//
and pullin your spine out, and u bout to find out//
(by the time u bitches get it it'll be too late, don't wait//
time waits for no man, so no man is safe)//
Burn um and turn um inside out, then ride out//
i find where they hide out, I'm pullin the nine out//
like it was a rhyme bout they comin out my mouth//
and pullin your spine out, and u bout to find out//
(mark my words, it gets worse in the third verse//
a dispersed curse can cause hearses and hurt, what could be worse?)//

{verse 3}
fuck each and every jingle u sing to and call a single//
u mingle with gringos like they chris kringle, but not a thing they bring you//
if this was christmas, my christmas list just consists of disses//
and wishes that bitches grip on this business is close to finished//
I needs me spinach to get through the gimmicks and mimics and limericks//
so I hit the clinic with an epidemic//
I said it, I meant it, them neva been it//
they benefited from pros that compose those flows..//
THESE muthafuccaz//

Burn um and turn um inside out, then ride out//
i find where they hide out, I'm pullin the nine out//
like it was a rhyme bout they comin out my mouth//
and pullin your spine out, and u bout to find out//
(collect your composure, it's almost over//
now u can neva say I neva told ya//
get the fuck out, and dont forget your fallin soldiers)//
Burn um and turn um inside out, then ride out//
i find where they hide out, I'm pullin the nine out//
like it was a rhyme bout they comin out my mouth//
and pullin your spine out, and u bout to find out//
(simple serenades and suicidal situations//
u playin the game, and u playin with satan)//
and u bout to find out.....


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