Kalle Baah - Nu aer Tiden Haer Lyrics

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Artist: Kalle Baah
Song Title: Nu aer Tiden Haer
Visits: 649
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Dom byggde ett hus
Dom h?ll ett tal
Dom reste en mur som dom sa
Ingen kunde v?lta
Men detta hus
D?r grunden ?r bottenl?s
Och deras mur och deras tal
Som sa att elden fr?s

Och du, ?r den store goliat
Och du, talar med kluven tunga
Och vi, ?r den lille David
Med en sten och en slunga

Kom vi g?r och v?lter dom
Dom som hedrar babylon
Ja, kom vi g?r och v?lter deras murar nu
Kom vi g?r och v?lter dom
Dom som hedrar babylon
Kom vi g?r och v?lter deras murar nu
?r tiden h?r

Dom ?r vilda vargar
F?rkl?dda till f?r
Du m?ste vara vaken och se
Vilka v?gar dom g?r
Dom ?r vilda vargar
F?rkl?dda till f?r
Du m?ste vara vaken och se
Vilka v?gar dom g?r

Och du, ?r den store goliat
Och du, talar med kluven tunga
Och vi, ?r den lille David
Med en sten och en slunga

Kom vi g?r och v?lter dom
Dom som hedrar babylon
Ja, kom vi g?r och v?lter deras murar nu
Kom vi g?r och v?lter dom
Dom som hedrar babylon
Kom vi g?r och v?lter deras murar nu
?r tiden h?r

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Other Kalle Baah song Lyrics
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    Wouldn't throw my love away
    I'm coming with the tide
    So I never gonna ride off on a side..."
  • Beggarman Story
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    Someone In my head beat a timbal
    Lips of flattery and eyes of lust
    Can't you see, can't you see..."
  • Believe This
    "Can you believe this, ain't got no money
    Can you recieve this, shure is no funny
    I slave every day for the money, what more can I do
    The job that I have is no funny, but what would you do..."
  • Big Town
    "Living in a big town now, but I think I'll move to the country
    Living in a big town now, and it's breaking me down
    I get up in the morning after a sleepless night
    Neighbours were drinking and putting up a fight..."
  • Black Rasta
    "Blacka rasta wear no dreadlocks
    Walking amid the sawmill road blocks
    But they plant a seed of carribbean weed
    In the slits of the babylon timeclocks..."
  • Carry Me
    "Hey girl, love ain't got no rules
    Hey girl, I may act like a fool
    But still I'm not blind you'll see, carry me
    Still I'm not blind you see, carry me..."
  • Cloak Dagger
    "There's a cloak & dagger in di backyard and she watch me oh oh
    She watch me go out and coming in
    The road is straight, I don't step aside, I follow di rules
    and hold on to the line..."
  • Dancing In Disguise
    "You never win the race if you walk in someones footprints
    or ever stand the pace if you don't start where it begins
    The muckraker dancing tonight, you can hardly see it but she's there
    Smokey room, misty light, always play underhand..."

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