Kam - Godbrotha Lyrics

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Artist: Kam
Song Title: Godbrotha
Visits: 690
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Come here sit down


Now I'ma make you an offer, Sonny, that you can't refuse

Or you can wear these cement shoes

So think before you choose

You want hip hop glory, or top story on the news?

Yous makin us look bad, and the families don't like it

I fear how messy this might get

You put out a hit, disrespect the contacts

So we taking out record contracts on you wise guys

Who wanna be Dons, undercover nerds

Whos words aint buyin

How you respond to a John Doe?

You run back to your Condo with some blonde ho

Well it's huntin season now, and you the target

That the reason we called you to the carpet

To offer you a proposition

Either you stop your dissin, or sonny the cops go fishin

Pops don't listen to you no more

That's why you say you love the familly, he thinks you love the dough boy

And I aint gonna let no whore disrespect our mother

Even if I'm just your Godbrotha

The Godbrotha


You know we live by a code of honor, and you violated that

And you know how I hate a rat, give me that bat

Let's talk baseball

You know, I oughta waste y'all

But I got a soft spot for family, so I'ma let you work it off

You only get one chance, don't jerk it off

People think we gettin soft thanks to you

So we gon handle this like real gangstas do

Here these shanks is new, take ?em

Save your drama ??asalaka make em??

You know what to do sonny, now get outta here

I just want you to disappear, for about a year

Till this whole thing blows over

And if anybody from your crew's seen, shows over

You made a deal with the devil for what? some gig

You got money, now Sonny you cut them pigs

Cus that's just greed

The family's all we got, and the family's all we need

Oh by the way, while you was out there livin large

Pops put me in charge, Your Godbrotha

The Godbrotha


And all the families agree

You gotta clean up the house, so the council they chose me

And I intend to do just that

It seems silly, but I really don't like being cussed at

So watch your mouth from now on, will ya?

Or I'll kill ya

Till your job is completed I don't want to see you

I don't know you, and I wouln't wanna be you

Evil laughs, last laugh's loudest

And a good son make his father proudest

Now this concludes our meeting

Come over here, and give your brotha a greeting

You can't be treating me like a step child no more

Cus this is war, and you know what I stand for

There's the door, so use it

And remember, no more disrespect from music

I'll make sure these joints is jumpin

But I think you forgettin somethin

This rap family is going to be like no other

Cus I'm the Godbrotha

The Godbrotha

The Godbrotha

The Godbrotha

The Godbrotha

The Godbrotha

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