Kam - Peace Treaty Lyrics

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Artist: Kam
Song Title: Peace Treaty
Visits: 670
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[ VERSE 1 ]

Hittin corners in a six-trey Chevrolet

Rag-top Impalla, top dollar

Got my cousin Laid-Back ridin shotgun

Cause I got the front-and-back hydraulic hot one

Juiced up, and I'm itchin to hit the switches

Crawlin over train tracks, avoidin all ditches

Ice-skatin on the 20-inch tires

Jack up the ass, and flex the gold dayton wires

Now I'm down to take a risk

Gettin geeked up off a compact disc

I went hoppin up Crenshaw, niggas hang loose

Lookin for my homies to celebrate the gang truce

And they about to throw a cook-out

So I'm puttin down the hump, we sailin on the look-out

For C.H.P., I was a teenage gee

So I'm readin a graffiti

The walls say 'peace treaty'

[ VERSE 2 ]

Lookin at the aftermath of the riot

I can still smell the ashes

>From all the clashes

But quiet is kept, it wasn't just the blacks

Everybody was lootin, and had each other's backs

We came through in understandin, demandin

Justice, bust this, we all had our hand in

The cookie jar, took it far enough to make a statement

Daryl Gates - that's where all the hate went

We pass by a swap meet

Been shoppin at for years, but it couldn't stop heat

See ya, wouldn't wanna be your next door neighbor

Less government relief checks, more labor

10 percent blood suckers of the poor took a loss

For exploitation, had to show em who was boss

Teach em not to be so greedy

Had to shut em down, bound by a peace treaty

Bound by a peace treaty

[ VERSE 3 ]

Hit the park, bailed out the car

And seen blue and red everywhere, look how strong we are

Niggas showin up from this gang and that gang

Nobody set-trippin, cause it's a black thing

People just partyin, sippin on a cup

Some of the Compton F.O.I. even showed up

Suited and booted, kickin it with the locs

In unity, soon we'll be lovin all black foks

I heard Solo, bumpin in a Blazer

Clownin on a car phone, blowin up my pager

Watts-Up is on the set

Just checkin out the scenery, brothers I ain't never met

Is hittin me up, I had to swallow my pride

Just kept steppin, hit em up and said, "Right"

Ain't no drama, cause I'm mobbin with Laid-Back

I seen Big Jess, Jay and K-Mac

They used to work them narcotics

Like my nigga L-Wood and Renegade from the street products

We used to jack from the rich, and then give to the needy

But now it's a peace treaty

[ VERSE 4 ]

And now the party's acceleratin

The whole crowd bounce, and sho nuff celebratin

Ain't nobody bustin shots

I bumped into Mike a/k/a Mo' Like Watts

An O.G., cause he's older

Lovin every minute of it, with the camcorder on his shoulder

So he could capture the moment, and reminisce

I'ma always remember this

Because my niggas made the history books

And now the mystery looks

A lot clearer

The man in the mirror

Got power

It's now or

Never, more than ever

Black people have to stick together

But yo, let's hear it for the Bloods and the Crips

I gots to admit it

Y'all brothers did it

I just hope it don't cease

For the sake of all the homies that's restin in peace

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