Kam - Trust Nobody Lyrics

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Artist: Kam
Song Title: Trust Nobody
Visits: 668
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[ VERSE 1: KAM ]

People make the world go around

They ask me what's up, I tell em what's goin down

Talk to me real if you feel you got a point to push

Then trick, make it quick, don't beat around the bush

I know we all lookin out for number one

That's why brothers sell dope and girls get they nails done

Tryin to get the same thing everybody else got

If you a big name oh they'll be runnin game like snot

So I keep my guard up and I read between the lines

If we kick it long enough I can see the signs

If your motives is righteous or wicked

Do you want the knowledge or do you see me as a free meal ticket?

I keep my eyes open and my mouth closed

In a world full of white men, niggas and hoes

Everybody want somethin from you, but ain't nothin free

I do for people, but what can people do for me?

Except lock me down or sell me out

But anyway, what you say you had to tell me bout?

Yeah, all that talk sounds good

But rule number one when you come from the hood

Is: don't trust nobody


No one's gonna trust you

So don't you trust nobody

[ VERSE 2: KAM ]

I came into this world alone

Ain't no doubt that's how I'm goin out, so let me get my live on

Top of that I'm black in this white man's world

Believe me, they don't care if your hair is jherri curled

Especially for a male

They can't kill me, they wanna put me under the jail

You know my record's clean cause you just checked

But to them I'm just another 'male negro suspect'

A threat to the powers that be

You got sweet talk for my sister, but it sours at me

Cause you see the black man as a rival

But this is anybody killer and it's all about survival

So go for what you know from your country hick college

This is '94 and I'm up on your trick knowledge

Watchin devils like a hawk

Excuse me, mister, why do white men whisper when they talk?

Because that's a man snake hidin in that handshake

Who won't hesitate to lie, cheat and take

I know you think they act nice

But you be wise and just take this advice

And don't trust nobody


[ VERSE 3: KAM ]

Ain't no shame in my game, I got a lot to learn

But I'm learnin trust is somethin you got to earn

You might be able to rap or make the fans mob

But never send a boy out to do a man's job

Cause you really couldn't handle it

You be at they memorial tryin to keep a candle lit

Though they was fit, it don't matter if you muscle-bound

Out here it's all about who can put they hustle down

So I kick it with the O.G.'s

They say experience cost as we floss on the gold D's

You gotta work for your milk and honey

Second rule in the hood: all money ain't good money

Don't get excited and don't be emotional

Never run your mouth in front of none of them hoes you know

Bro, because fools and they money soon part

You might know they name but you never know they heart

It's a cold game, but somebody gotta play it

You probably wouldn't know if I didn't say it

So all it really boils down to is respect

Just like the tat on his neck, it said 'trust nobody'

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