Kane And Able F/ C-Murder - I Aint Runnin Lyrics
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Kane And Able F/ C-Murder Singer Lyrics
I Aint Runnin Song Lyrics
Kane And Able F/ C-Murder
Song Title:
I Aint Runnin
Print Version
Motherfuckers always wonderin why this nigga winding up dead.
Why is this nigga dead.
It's because motherfuckers out here is stupid.
They giving to it some motherfuckin body.
They cross a nigga.
And they dont watch thier motherfuckin back.
Niggas gonna retaliate.
You cant cross a nigga without gettin it.
Cause a motherfucker realize that.
I aint runnin.
I gotta get em fore they get me, I aint runnin
I got my TRU niggas with me and we strapped
I gotta get em fore they get me, I aint runnin
I got my TRU niggas with me and they gunnin
I gotta get em fore they get me, I aint runnin
I got my TRU niggas with me and we riders
I gotta get em fore they get me, I aint runnin
I got my TRU niggas with me and we strapped
I got beef with some niggas on the other side
Them fools cross me, now somebody gotta die
I got the twins in the lex with the black tint
I told em bust if you see a motherfucker flinch
I guess them busters wanna see if the tank real
They wasn't satisfied when they homie got killed
I aint banging on no motherfucking tape nigga
Test me and I'm gonna celebrate your dead day
I can't sleep when my enemy is looking for me
I'm paranoid niggas tryin to take my soul from me
But I aint runnin I'm a look em dead in the eye
I'm a real nigga and real niggas dont die
[Kane & Abel]
Hot lead at your head at the speed of light
Cant outrun a bullet, you goin die tonight
It aint right but thats the way its gotta be
The circumstance is the murderman dance
Me and my brother made the world pitch black ready for combat
Automatic gats for weed packs stay strapped
Playa some niggas came but everybody aint able
Dick hard starin at a hundred G's on the kitchen table
They say my status turn to casualties when i squeeze
Hit em up with two two threes, bodies scatter like the breeze
Fatal injuries, i feel sorry for your mother
But i got this motherfucker fore he got me get em
I Aint Runnin Lyrics
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