Kano - Typical Me Lyrics

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Artist: Kano
Kano Author
Album: Home Sweet Home (2005)
Kano - Home Sweet Home Album
Song Title: Typical Me
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 854
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It's just one of those days,
typical me,
typical club scene,
typical grief,
one of those raves,
typical beef,
now there's fu**ing headlocks
putting me to sleep,
It's just one of those days,
typical me,
typical club scene,
typical grief,
one of those raves,
typical beef,
and now there's fu**ing headlocks
putting me to sleep,
It's just Typical Me.

I must have one of those faces,
It's stuck wit me i can't change it,
I aint troublesome i'm the safest,
but they wont let my click in 'Faces',
cuz i must be one of them artists,
that gets kicked out the club the fastest,
cuz bouncers think they're the hardest,
I'll bang them and blame it on Marcus,
I got no reason to get up,
I'll skank out and shuffle like Ke'l,
cuz most times I'm just mellow,
I'll bring up a pint before I'll say 'Hello'
but yeah Rygon gets excited
so i put it all in my wagon,
and we aint just always fightin'
just the bouncers that think they're Tyson,

Cuz your with your click
I'm with my click,
try it with me,
I'm on the piss, so mind the 'on' switch,
don't try it with me,
I'd rather kick that real finer chick,
smiling with me,
I try my best to not be aggressive but,
It's one of those days,

typical me,
typical club scene,
typical grief,
one of those raves,
typical beef,
now there's fu**ing headlocks
putting me to sleep,
It's just Typical Me,

I must just be unruly,
so no-one call over Rudy,
but look at all the drinks he brought me,
I drink too much when i was 40,
stand up to see your noose,
a pest, a pain, a rage,
the same shit happens almost every other day,
almost every other rave,
there's some sort'a drama,
but most other times I'm cool I'm calmer,
frightened i can't afford to wear 'Prada'
no but i don't box just to prove I'm harder,
but don't piss me off today, I'm pissed already so,
I guess it's gonna be one of those days,

Typical me,
It's typical,
you can take me out the hood i'll still act like a criminal,
so don't try and get physical,
but lemme weigh up my options,
How big? they're menacing bouncers,
I'll bet 20kg's, I bet they probably lift houses,
so i guess a '1 on 1' just aint the best way about this,
but this is my situation, every week, life's a bitch,
I'll probably get nominated and kicked out the 'Brits'

Cuz your with your click
I'm with my click,
try it with me,
I'm on the piss, so mind the 'on' switch,
don't try it with me,
I'd rather kick that real finer chick,
smiling with me,
I try my best to not be aggressive but,
It's one of those days,

who is Kano getting in the madness,
me I'm in the pool sippin' on Champerz,
but for some reason, i gotta face the 'all' on a rampage,
It's so typical,
I'm no little fool,
and no i don't wanna sit and talk,
i take a mo and sip it all,
everyday it is so predictable,
when i don't mean the tunes we listen to,
I have mixed feelings but i dunno what I'm gonna do'
so here's what is and what isn't true,
It's just one of them days,
one of them raves,
where some of us aint in the mood for bouncers,
you might see me lose some bouncers,
here's what i do to bouncers,

Cuz you're on the door, and turn me away,
I'm moving to you,
I'm known to Spoon, and knock with my fists,
I''ll tuck your crew in,
I'm on the list, so don't take the piss,
that's what you're doing,
I'll try my best to not be aggressive,
but it's one of those days,

(da da da da, da,da,da,da, da,da,)
(da da da da, da,da,da,da)
(da da da da, da,da,da,da, da,da,)

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Home Sweet Home" album, click "Kano Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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