Kara - Sunshine Lyrics

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Artist: Kara
Song Title: Sunshine
Visits: 698
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Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned
and I've been places
I should never have been
and I'm tired of feeling guilty
all the time
lost in a whirlwind
a thunderstorm raging deep within
and only You can save me
Lord, come and save me

You are my sunshine
You are my rainbow
even when its raining inside
You fill my heart with sunshine
You are the silver line
making all things beautiful
bursting through each cloud of mine
You fill my heart with sunshine

I lift my hands to greet the rain
and praise You through each drop of pain
for hope could never disappoint me now
light of the world come pouring down
in Your glory I am drownin'
and only You can save me
I know You can save me

You are my sunshine
You are my rainbow
even when its raining inside
You fill my heart with sunshine
You are the silver line
making all things beautiful
bursting through each cloud of mine
You fill my heart with sunshine

Lord, let Your love rain down on me
Lord, let Your glory come and set me free
Lord, let Your love rain down on me
Lord, let Your glory come and set me free

You are my sunshine
You are my rainbow
even when its raining inside
You fill my heart with sunshine
You are the silver line
making all things beautiful
bursting through each cloud of mine
You fill my heart with sunshine

You are my sunshine
You are my rainbow
even when its raining inside
You fill my heart with sunshine

You are my sunshine
yeah, yeah

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Other Kara song Lyrics
  • Beautiful Moment
    "Standing here right now
    How can I contain what I'm feeling?
    in the quiet of my heart
    this is what Your love is revealing..."
  • Falling On Me Now
    "in this moment
    there's nothing else that I would rather do
    than be with You
    than be with You to worship You..."
  • Glorify You
    "in this moment
    let the world just melt away
    let my Worship find Your heart
    and bring You nothin' but praise..."
  • Heart Of A Child
    "Matthew 18 verse 1
    Jesus, You asked,
    "Who is the greatest in all of Heaven?"
    Unless you change and become like little children..."
  • Here I Am
    Here I am, Lord, on my knees
    hear my cry, Lord
    I desperately need Your peace..."
  • Hungry (Falling On My Knees)
    hungry I come to You
    for I know You satisfy
    I am empty..."
  • I Love You
    "I see you drifting very far away
    and I can hear the sorrow in each word you say
    the farther out you go the more pain you will know
    but I know you'll come back to Me one day..."
  • Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
    "Worship You, my Lord
    until the very end
    Worship You, my Lord
    until the very end..."

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