Karen savoca - take these wings Lyrics

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Artist: Karen savoca
Song Title: take these wings
Visits: 802
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sister, no wonder
you won't raise your head
to the sky
you're afraid of thunder
it makes you cry
and you don't know why

there's a place that i know
you can see
the face of the earth
that's where i wanna go
on the wind of my birth
the wind of my birth

i'm not afraid of dyin
it's just a setting sun
on the rise
come take these wings and try
it's a world full of butterflies

well i'd like to take you
where the light
of the day began
where the sun
always breaks through
shinin down like a friend

i felt you shaking
awake from your dream
like a child
take your heart
from its' breaking
and lean on a smile

i'm not afraid of dyin
it's just a setting sun
on the rise
come take these wings and try
it's a world full of butterflies

sister, no wonder
you won't raise your head
to the sky
you're afraid of thunder
but it's the fourth of july

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