Kari Rueslatten - I Manens Favn Lyrics

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Artist: Kari Rueslatten
Song Title: I Manens Favn
Genre: Folk
Visits: 681
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[In the Moon's embrace]

Fall for meg na inatt
vinn min vilje, vinn min hand
Uten deg kan jeg ei leve
Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt
vil fange deg inn og du blir min
Har vi en i manens favn?

Da hun sa han i dansen den aller forste dag
Sang hennes hjerte og lo hennes sjel, og lo hennes sjel
Det var han hun skulle ha

Hun hadde aldri sett slik ynde i en mann
Og dansen gikk pa vollen, pa vollen
Det var han hun skulle ha

Fall for meg na inatt
vinn min vilje, vinn min hand
Uten deg kan jeg ei leve
Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt
vil fange deg inn og du blir min
Har vi en i manens favn?

Han sa, "skjonne kvinne, kom over hit
Hor, vil du vel gifte deg, gifte deg
med meg sa ung jeg er"

Hun ble nok blendet av hans sjarm og hans sote ord
For da hun vaknet den andre dag, den andre dag
Fant hun sengen tom

Fall for meg na inatt
vinn min vilje, vinn min hand
Uten deg kan jeg ei leve
Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt
vil fange deg inn og du blir min
Har vi en i manens favn?

Sa kom den tredje dagen, og med den den tredje natt
og dansen gikk pa vollen, pa vollen
Han danset som om ingenting var hendt

Fall for me this very night
win my will, win my hand
Without you, I cannot live
Beware, my magic power
(will trap you and you will be mine
Do we have one in the Moon's embrace?)

When she saw him dancing the very first day
Sang her heart and laugh did her soul, and laugh did her soul
It was him she would have

She had never seen such grace in a man
And the dance was on the rampart, on the rampart
It was him she would have

Fall for me this very night

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Other Kari Rueslatten song Lyrics
  • The Homecoming Song
    "I can dance and I can sing
    I can tell what the future will bring
    Come wanderer with me
    and we'll see what you are blessed to be..."
  • The Gathering
    "She rises her head into the night
    -They gather every full moon
    She nods at her sister the time is right
    -They gather every full moon..."
  • Rapunsel
    "My beloved I have waited so long
    How can it be daylight keeps us apart
    Make me assured it is you
    and that no-one sees us..."
  • Forsaken
    "I can not see but darkness and death
    I feel cold breeze enter the tune
    Thy voice once so soft, declaring Thy love
    Why hast Thou forsaken me..."
  • The Shadowchant
    "Cast away the shadows
    Cast away the shadows
    Cast away the shadows behold the view
    I am but an evil, I am but a man..."
  • In Here
    "Right here
    in what remains of the night.
    My vision is finally clear
    from my view up high..."
  • Dead
    "The emptiness approaches
    winding down the path
    knows the direction
    it has been here before..."
  • Spindelsinn
    "Hei, vil du ta min hand
    sa kan du bli med
    til mitt annerledessted
    Av et hav i stormens makt..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Spindelsinn" album, click "Kari Rueslatten Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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