Karma To Burn - Dong Lyrics

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Artist: Karma To Burn
Karma To Burn Author
Song Title: Dong
Visits: 633
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Dickie 6 - "This here's Dickie 6, I need a radio check my one point seventy nine, come back"

Black Dong - "You got Black Dong here, biggest and most powerful thing in the world, back"

D6 - "Yeah, Black Dong, I just left the titty car wash in Hurricane. They got a fourteen year old girl in the cabin with Daddy puttin' her hand on the stove, trying to put the fear of Jesus in her and I'm just trying to appeal to her better side."

BD - "Hey, hey, that's all fine and dandy. I'm travelling up 79, going past Charleston. Might stop off and see a little honey of mine named Alison. But I'm really looking for Bald Knob, you got your ears on? What's your twenty Knob?"<

Knob - "Knob, I have got these whores, I got ten ful, every chain man does, and every wet station's on my knee. I'm gonna Me-xi-co. I'm looking for some sexual healin'. Why don't you boys meet me up at the bar in Mo-town."

Black Dong - *(Car turns round, tires screeching)* "Wow, that's a good idea, I'll bypass Charleston and meet you in Morgantown. What do you think Dickie?"

D6 - "I got the pedal to the metal now, I'm heading to Mo-town."

BD - "Bald Knob!"

K - "KNOB!!!"

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    Why don't you kneel? I never will
    Now that I'm missing your backpack still..."
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    ""Hey! Hey! He was fine, just we sell out."
    They come to feast on purist man
    They come to feast on mortal tan
    Filling their bodies with disease..."
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