Kashmir - Lampshade Lyrics

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Artist: Kashmir
Song Title: Lampshade
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you'd be surprised if you looked through the eyes of a nova
not recognizing the molehills on top of the star
cheerful and swollen he waves from his seat in a rover
that is his car

you wouldn't doubt him to shake the most powerful hands of importance
changing the world as we know it by leaving his ink
to judge from the fence 'round his house he must love all his children
that's what you think

but there's no time to think
have a pill and a shrink
just don't show us how you sweat
making love to your kids
is the last love that you will ever get

you're a vanishing image of what I thought I knew
but it comes to show
that the man I know -

is kissing that cheek that she had lifted up for her forty first birthday
love is when someone you trust cuts a smile in your face
boy had a dog and poor girl had a stroke like an earthquake
now dog is a bird

but there's no time to think
have a pill and a shrink
just don't show us how you sweat
making love to your kids
is the last love that you will ever get

you're a vanishing image of what i thought I knew
but it comes to show
that the man I know
has a fading glow
in a white lampshade

tell me lamshade the truth did you cover his soul
did you protect all the horrible
I shall tear you apart so that everyone knows
what he's been carrying around

tell me lampshade what is it you're trying to hide
under your stinky old corduroy
I shall rip and be shattered by the shrapnell of light
that I've been choking on always

there's a dog barking close within the range of my ear
sounds like he wants to escape the chain
he would probably bite me to death if he could
but the chain lets me spit in his face

like the dog has a chain clinging tight to it's neck
this man is tied to his secrecy
I would like to have killed him off in this last verse
but instead I removed his lampshade

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