KATY ROSE - Overdrive Lyrics

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Album: Because I Can (2003)
KATY ROSE - Because I Can Album
Song Title: Overdrive
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 812
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Outta bed at the crack of noon
Blare the music and have a swoon
I can't stop thinkin of your face
La la lee la lee loo lace

I'm six feet under the Bhodi Tree
With my crap new-age philosophy
Diamonds where there once were stars
I'm sittin in Jayne Mansfeild's car

Yea yea-a I'm independence
Yea yea-a I'm borderline
Yea yea-a I'm California
My minds all screwed and upside down
But my hearts on overdrive (yea my hearts on overdrive)

I need to take a shower when I look at you
Ya sting and hurt like a bad tattoo
I wish you'd change my point of view

I cruise the canyon to get a breeze
With Hidden Treasures up my sleeve
I like the light and hate the heat
But I'll lick the blood right off your street

Yea yea-a I'm cherry cola
Yea yea-a I'm candy-eyed
Yea yea-a I'm California
My mind's all screwed and upside down
But my heart's on over drive

They all come here to find a scene
But end up girls on methadrine
Naked on a TV screen
The dreams that fall beneath my feet
Make my footsteps feel so sweet
But your kisses are my fait acconpli

I'm independence
Yea-a I'm borderline
Yea-a I'm California
My mind's all screwed and upsidedown
But my heart's on overdrive
Yea my heart's on overdrive

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Other KATY ROSE song Lyrics
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  • Watching The Rain
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    I wish I was a humming dove so I could sing so sweet
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  • Snowflakes
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  • Catch My Fall
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    My life is like some cheap champagne
    The answers don't always seem to fit
    My glass is full, but it tastes like shit..."
  • Enchanted
    "I broke my crown while kissing little flowers
    I floated up the stairs and fell through the tower
    You drew the sparkle back into my eyes
    With your colored pencil..."
  • Glow
    "You can close you're eyes and tell me
    That you are a visionary
    And maybe you're a little scarey
    But you take my breath away..."
  • Teachin Myself To Dream
    "I throw myself into the rain
    as we run down these old train
    tracks again
    The moon is naked in the sky..."
  • ...Show All
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