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Watcha Gonna Do Song Lyrics
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Oh no
Girls like me, we dont mess around
Stick together as one, through our ups and downs
Just because u dont like what u see (like what u see)
Cats like us dont take shhhhhh easily
do do do do do do do do do do do do
Watcha gonna do
do do do do do do do do do do do do
Here we come so babe, c'mon lets go
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha gonna do
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha wanna prove
We're gonna take u down, smash u up, show u how we roll
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha gonna do
Im getting fed up of your shady attitude
You keep on invading my space
Like u wanna light my fuse
Im gonna break it down, hang u out, shoot u out
Cos remember cats like us dont take shhhhh so easily
do do do do do do do do do do do do
Watcha wanna do
do do do do do do do do do do do do
So tell me, tell me, watcha gonna do
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha gonna do
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha wanna prove
We're gonna take u down, smash u up, show u how we roll
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha gonna do
We should not, carry on, in the way that cause
Hurt, pain and hatred
Peace and love, is what we want
Ive seen it all, is it really worth it?
Im not listening (x3) Im not listening at all
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha gonna do
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha wanna prove
We're gonna take u down, smash u up, show u how we roll
Watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha watcha gonna do (x2)
| Watcha Gonna Do Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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