Keith Sweat F/ Lil Mo - Ill Trade (A Million Dollars) Lyrics
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Ill Trade (A Million Dollars) Song Lyrics
Keith Sweat F/ Lil Mo
Song Title:
Ill Trade (A Million Dollars)
Print Version
[Intro - Lil' Mo] (Keith)
(Mmm) People think it's easy out here
You know, they see us in the fancy cars
Fly clothes (oh yes they do)
A little bling to wear, nahmean?
Well, it's not easy
You have all that, ain't got nobody to share it with
(Oh no) Been tryin' to find somebody, it's crazy (oh no)
If I go to the club
They just wanna take me home
Just tryin' to have a good time
Just wanna get my drink on
If I go to the mall
They come in the store
I'm just tryin' to chill
Said I'm just tryin' to chill
[Lil' Mo] (Keith)
I don't know if they think
This is the glamorous life (oh yes they do)
They wanna share the life with me (yeah, yeah, yeah)
But what's a girl who gave all of her up in the lights (oh, lights)
It won't lead to anything (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
[Keith and Lil' Mo]
I'll trade a million bucks
For someone's love who don't come with a price
I'll trade in all my cars
For someone who will love me for life
They can take away my platinum plaques
Leave me broke, it won't mean a thing
I'll trade a lifetime just to find someone
Who will love me just for me
[Lil' Mo]
Gotta change my phone
Cuz they call my crib
Just want some privacy
Just tryin' to live
If I'd have known
It woulda been this way
Woulda found a man a long time ago
Don't get me wrong
I'm still young and I'm not hating but
It's not as easy as it seems (whoa oh)
Cuz I'm not out here looking for a hit and run
I want someone who can love me for me
[Keith and Lil' Mo]
I'll trade a million bucks
For someone's love who don't come with a price
I'll trade in all my cars
For someone who will love me for life
They can take away my platinum plaques
Leave me broke, it won't mean a thing
I'll trade a lifetime just to find someone
Who will love me just for me
[Keith and Lil' Mo]
I know in love, sometimes you lose
Sometimes it's just not right
And sometimes you win
But even then
You gotta go through with it
Gotta go through with it
That's why I will, will find
Someone to share the same thoughts as me
I know they are there
I know they're somewhere
I'll do anything
[Keith and Lil' Mo]
I'll trade a million bucks
For someone's love who don't come with a price
I'll trade in all my cars
For someone who will love me for life
They can take away my platinum plaques
Leave me broke, it won't mean a thing
I'll trade a lifetime just to find someone
Who will love me just for me
Ill Trade (A Million Dollars) Lyrics
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Other Keith Sweat F/ Lil Mo song Lyrics
Ill Trade (A Million Bucks) [Remix]
"If I go to the club
They just wanna take me home
Just tryin' to have a good time
Just wanna get my drink on..."
Million Bucks (Interlude)
"Cuz I'm not out here looking for a hit and run
I want someone who can love me for me
That's why I'll trade
I'll trade a million bucks..."
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