Keith Toby - Aint It Just Like You Lyrics

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Artist: Keith Toby
Keith Toby Author
Song Title: Aint It Just Like You
Visits: 587
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Girl your bags are packed

And you aint coming back is written on them

Take these memories with you

Theyre just sad, and theyre blue and I dont want them

Oh youre not so sure that youre in love anymore

And I aint gonna beg you to stay

Aint it just like you to leave

Aint it just like me to let you walk away

I hold a tender place in my heart for you and you know it

Ive never said it out loud

Guess I was too proud to ever show it

We always thought some night that we might get it right

But that aint going to happen today

Aint it just like you to leave

Aint it just like me to let you walk away

Honey you must think my heart is a revolving door

The way you come and go as you please

I dont know if I should give up or try

Or get down on my knees

Aint it just like me to pray

Aint it just like you to turn and walk away

Here you are at my door

Youre wanting in, youre wanting more and its open

You win me over with that grin

So I let you on in, and Im hopin

That this time you might stay forever

But baby that just aint your style

Aint it just like you to smile

Aint it just like me to let you stay awhile

Oh you must think my heart is a revolving door

The way you come and go as you please

And I dont know if I should give up or try

Or get down on my knees

Aint it just like me to pray

Aint it just like you to make me feel this way

Aint it just like you to smile

Aint it just like me to let you stay awhile

Girl your bags are packed

And you aint coming back is written on them

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    And she was lookin' fine
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    "Don't leave, I think I love you
    I just saw the rest of my life, honey you're in it
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