Keith Urban - Where the Blacktop Ends Lyrics
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Keith Urban Singer Lyrics
Where the Blacktop Ends Song Lyrics
Keith Urban
Keith Urban (1999)
Song Title:
Where the Blacktop Ends
Print Version
Gonna kick off my shoes
And run in bare feet
Where the grass and the dirt and the gravel all meet
Goin' back to the well gonna visit old friends
And feed my soul where the blacktop ends
I'm lookin' down the barrel of Friday night
Ridin' on a river of freeway lights
Goodbye city I'm country bound
'Til Monday rolls around
Gonna kick off my shoes
And run in bare feet
Where the grass and the dirt and the gravel all meet
Goin' back to the well gonna visit old friends
And feed my soul where the blacktop ends
Workin' in the grind is an uphill road
Punchin' that clock and carryin' that load
I bust it all week and then I'm free
The weekend belongs to me
Gonna kick off my shoes
And run in bare feet
Where the grass and the dirt and the gravel all meet
Goin' back to the well gonna visit old friends
And feed my soul where the blacktop ends
Give me some fresh air give me that farm
Give me some time with you in my arms
Far away from the hustle and the pressure and the noise
Gonna kick off my shoes
And run in bare feet
Where the grass and the dirt and the gravel all meet
Goin' back to the well gonna visit old friends
And feed my soul, you betcha
Gonna kick off my shoes
And run in bare feet
Where the grass and the dirt and the gravel all meet
Goin' back to the well gonna visit old friends
And feed my soul where the blacktop ends
Where the blacktop ends
Where the blacktop ends
Where the blacktop ends
Where the Blacktop Ends Lyrics
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Other Keith Urban song Lyrics
Days Go By
Oh yes, yeah.
I'm changin' lanes, I'm talkin' on the phone
I'm drivin' way too fast..."
Better Life
"Friday night and the moon is high
I'm wide awake just watching you sleep
And I promise you you're gonna have
More than just the things that you need..."
Making Memories Of Us
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I'll be a man of my word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I want to sleep with you forever..."
Gods Been Good To Me
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Picking on my banjo with a big smile on my face
Writin' new words to an old school melody
Hey, there ain't no doubt that God's been good to me..."
The Hard Way
"You've got your own way of looking at it baby
I guess that proves that I got mine
Seems like our hearts are set on automatic
We say the first thing that somes to mind..."
Youre My Better Half
"Car door slams, it's been a long day at work
I'm out on the freeway and I'm wondering if it's all worth
The price that I pay, sometimes it doesn't seem fair
I pull into the drive and you're standing there...."
I Could Fly
"Time stands still for no one
I know this is true
I've been stuck here waiting
Then along came you..."
Tonight I Wanna Cry
"Alone in this house again tonight
I got the TV on
The sound turned down
And a bottle of wine..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Keith Urban" album, click "
Keith Urban Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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