KELIS - Mafia Lyrics
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KELIS Singer Lyrics
Mafia Song Lyrics
Kaleisdoscope (1999)
Song Title:
R&B: Soul
Print Version
Somebody made me an offer and I accepted
Forever in debted to weapon
Love, honor, and respected
But his image was different than what his character reflected
Word is he?s seven-thirty his hands never dirty
All I know this so called psycho never hurt me
Touch me down to tips, shopping sprees on Fifth
With enough dough that could be carry out on forklifts
Earnt his trust, together till we turn to dust
Until his theory disintegrated and burnt to crust
What? What?
Death to a soft heart
That?s what I vow to you
The vows I vow to you
Amazing how it?s true
Talk goes on our phone
Just to remind you
That I?m behind you
The FEDS won?t find you
1 - Relax my love
The love I have for you is like the Mafia
For you I?d testify
I?d lie for you of course
Since my love is like the Mafia
And for you I will fight
Mister and Misses, but I wonder where the bliss is
Sealed in blood and Cordion kisses
The shit I witnessed
Would give a bitch morning sickness
Decomposed bodies thrown in the ditches
As for snitches ain?t nothing lower than that
Intentions to squeal on your fam make you low as a rat
Got cappos for flaming at those
Lame ass hoes, so you know next time keep your trap close
What would you doubt for?
I?d never lie to you
Of course I?d die for you
I?d be your eye for you
My love won?t stop short
I?ll raise our sons for you
I?ll save our ones for you
Load up your guns for you
Repeat 1 (2x)
Riches, tradition niggas once held dear
Let it be known that your name alone spell fear
Gun for gun, hundred to one forget about it
Petty shit, rise above and get up out it
Could give a shit about it
Time to focus a foe
Many lives bought and sold
Fortunes favor the bold
Connected like phone lines
To racketeering to known crimes
Winners turning long shots to gold mines
The high speed chases
I?ll do them just like you
I?ll give them dust like you
Turn around and bust like you
Then I?ll deserve it
Every time I get high
Repeat 1
You I testify, oh, oh
Mafia Lyrics
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Other KELIS song Lyrics
"What is this?
I have no idea
Okay welcome, follow come in okay single file, watch your step,
Welcome to Kelis's world..."
Trick Me
This is It Yeah
Said I've paid all my dues for what i've done..."
"My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
and there like,
its better than yours,
damn right its beter than yours,..."
Keep It Down
"Hey whatcha know
Outside of the beastie boys show
Saw a phat kid that tried to kick it late
He said by the way where ya been..."
"Flashbacks of the last summer
It was hot and I was bored
I took a walk to the corner store
I was at the counter..."
Protect My Heart
"I gotta protect my heart
I gotta protect my heart
You were the heart of the spot
But you wouldn't tell me your name..."
Sugar Honey Iced Tea
"I woke up this mornin' and seen somethin' bright
Was that you?
Then I heard a voice
Sound like birds outside..."
Rolling Through The Hood
"Yesterday, I rolled through the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
Yesterday, I rolled throught the hood..."
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