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You Thought Wrong (Featuring Tamyra Gray) Song Lyrics
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Tamyra: I see, how you're trying to, weasel your way and boy ya know how you maneuver, with your, your confusion. Kelly: You tell me, that I'm your only, and how bad, that you want me, then why are you so shady, if i'm supposed to be your lady. Tamyra: Why should I believe anything you say, and how could you shame me that way, Kelly: Tell me where, where'd you get the nerve? To even think that you, you could play me wrong. Both: You thought we didn't know. You thought we were in the dark. But boy your covers blown. 'Cause we both know now. You thought you had us fooled. At your beck and call. But now who's the joke. And look who's laughing now. Oh, oh, oh, oh - oh, oh, oh - oh, oh, oh - oh Kelly: Now you're, trying to use us a- Tamyra: Against one another, but it won't work. Kelly: I see, right through your game boy Tamyra: And I know exactly what I'm waiting for Both: You! Kelly: You tried to deny all your actions. Tamyra: For once in your life, be a real man. Kelly: At least give me the proper respect of Tamyra: The truth Both: 'Cause I already know you did it. Kelly: Why should I believe anything you say, and how could you shame me that way, Tamyra: Tell my where. Where'd you get the nerve? To even think that you, you could play me boy. Both: You thought we didn't know. You thought we were in the dark. But boy your covers blown. 'Cause we both know now. You thought you had us fooled. At your beck and call. But now who's the joke. And look who's laughing now. I see right through you baby. Tried to take me, you owe me. Why can't you just get it through your Thick head 'Cause I done seen this game before Now it's time for you
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