KLee - 1 + 1 + 1 (It Aint Two) Lyrics
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1 + 1 + 1 (It Aint Two) Song Lyrics
Song Title:
1 + 1 + 1 (It Aint Two)
Print Version
You must be crazy if you think I'm gonna be
Stickin' around while you're messin' with somebody
Your shit's at the door boy it's time you made like a tree
Playtime is over and your ass is history
While you're studying physical attraction
I been workin' on your subtraction
One to the two, the three, the four
You better not come round here no more
I've learnt my lessons in the school of love
If you only cheat once boy that's once too much
So do the math while I'm leavin' you
Cos one plus one plus one, it ain't two
You must be crazy boy who do you think you are
Treatin' our love like some twisted menage a trois
I've done my homework and this time you've gone too far
These ain't my panties and that ain't my skanky bra
While you're gettin' your sex education
I'll be smashin' your new Playstation
One to the two, the three, the four
You better not come round here no more
I've learnt my lessons in the school of love
If you only cheat once boy that's once too much
So do the math while I'm leavin' you
Cos one plus one plus one, it ain't two
I've learnt my lessons in the school of love
If you only cheat once boy that's once too much
So do the math while I'm leavin' you
Cos one plus one plus one, it ain't two
(One, two)
You can't do the dirty and expect me to stay
I got pride in myself and I won't be played
So get gone, get gone, go on
Pack your bags and get the hell on
You can't do the dirty and expect me to stay
I got pride in myself and I won't be played
So get gone, get gone, go on
Pack your bags and get the hell on
I've learnt my lessons in the school of love
If you only cheat once boy that's once too much
So do the math while I'm leavin' you
Cos one plus one plus one, it ain't two
I don't want your car, or your crib, or ya bank account
You can keep your friends, and ya endz, cos I'm gettin' out
I don't want your phone, or ya bone, you can keep that stuff
I've had enough of your love, boy I'm playin' rough
1 + 1 + 1 (It Aint Two) Lyrics
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Other KLee song Lyrics
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