Ks Choice - In Your Room Lyrics

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Artist: Ks Choice
Song Title: In Your Room
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 628
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As she falls down and hurts her head
She's lying still but she's not dead
Awakens slowly, sees a picture of herself
On the wall as she gets up
Straightens her dress and calls me up
She says: 'I know now, I am whole now. Can you come?'

In your room
Where both of you are talking
Your good side and your bad
Discussing who has better hair
In your space
I hear four feet walking
And there are two more knocking
In case you're wondering
I'm still on your side

As she embraces all of me
I want her only to need me
It doesn't matter what I tell her because she changes
Her mind before she speaks
And tends to talk before she thinks
But how I love her

I know there's truth for you somewhere
If I were wise I'd take you there
But I'm not, at least not yet
So I'll be watching you instead
In your room, in your room

In your room
I can wander around forever
And I recognize the color of the walls that we painted
In your chair
That I broke because I was careless
I can sit and watch you dance around
My words are spoken
I am on your side
My words are spoken I am on your side
In your room...

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Other Ks Choice song Lyrics
  • Me Happy
    "That's a stupid hat you're wearing
    It doesn't really match your hair
    Did I ever tell you that your breath is worse
    Than what you wear..."
  • Breakfast
    "I woke up between dawn and night
    Thought I heard the voice of Mommy
    Sounds as if my parents have a fight
    So I woke up my brother lying next to me..."
  • I Smoke A Lot
    "I smoke a lot
    I'm not talking weed or pot
    I smoke the regular stuff
    I smoke a lot..."
  • Walk Away
    "I will walk away from you
    I will walk away from you
    I have felt the ugly midget kicking on my knee
    I have seen the ugly midget walking over me..."
  • Elegia
    "Oh, God, I haven't read your book
    I'm sure it was divine
    Especially the part where you turned water into wine
    Oh, God, I want you to clear my mind..."
  • My Heart
    "Not so long ago
    We both felt love became a word
    No more than that
    With sex that felt like wings without a bird..."
  • I Wanna Meet The Man
    "I've been thinking all night about this song
    The music's okay but I can't find words to say
    I could sing that I'm a Virgin and show my tits
    Decree how sex improves the world..."
  • What The Hell Is Love
    "He was not as tall and rather fat
    He had a labrador and a lumping cat
    Born in a country with a broken heart
    He had enough money and a credit card..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Cocoon Crash" album, click "Ks Choice Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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